Chapter 4

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"So how long will you be staying in Sunnydale?" The brunette realtor asks me as I'm filling out paperwork.

I smile up at her. "We don't plan on moving after this move, to be honest. We've been moving around since we met."

She nods, and I watch her neck. Her calm pulse moves the skin over her jugular ever so slightly and its quite soothing to watch. "Miss?" A voice breaks me out of my trance, and I shake it off.

"Sorry." I say. "Missed breakfast." I clear my throat, and finish off the paperwork, handing it to the woman. "This really is a great apartment. My brother will love it."

The woman smiles. "I hope he will."


"Is the blindfold necessary?" Spike asks, as I lead him down the hall towards our new apartment.

"Yes, it's necessary." I say, tightening my grip and walking faster, pulling him along. "I want it to be a surprise."

He groans, and stays quiet until we stop. I unlock the door and walk inside, leaving him outside the door. "Are you ready?" I ask.

He sighs. "Yeah, I suppose."

"Take the blindfold off..." He pulls the blindfold off of his face. "Come on in!" I exclaim. "Welcome home." I smile widely as he steps in, looking around in wonder.

"Wow, Ari. What is all this?" He asks, taking a mini tour of the house. He walks through the bedrooms and the kitchen, checks out the living room and the bathroom.

"This is home. If you want to stay here." I tell him. "I even put blackout curtains up so the sun doesn't come in during the day. The fridge is fully stocked with blood from teh blood bank, and I put fresh comforters on the beds. What do you think?" I watch him hopefully.

He walks over to me and hugs me, lifting me in the air and spinning me around. "Ari, it's amazing. How did you afford this?"

I smile toothily as he sets me back on my feet. "I've gained quite the sum of money over the past 200 years. I've been widowed to many a rich man."

He nudges me with his elbow. "You little slut."

I pretend to look offended. "I am not a slut. I am a professional." He laughs heartily, and flops down on the couch. "Oh!" I exclaim, causing him to glance up at me. "You have to see what I rigged up in your bedroom." He raises an eyebrow, but allows me to pull him off the couch and lead him to his bedroom. I gesture to the bed. "See? Nice and fluffy and comfy. But..." I reach under the comforter and hit a latch, lifting the top of the bed. "Underneath is a coffin that you can sleep in too! You can't even tell!"

He raises his eyebrows. "Wow, I'm impressed. Did you do that yourself?"

I nod. "Sure did, I've got one too. Because I know that you like the coffin in the crypt, so I figured I wasn't going to force you to sleep on a comfy bed if you don't have to. But this coffin has cushions and blankets and stuff so you're comfy."

He smiles down at me as I close the coffin-bed's lid, and he pulls me into a hug, squeezing me tightly. "Thank you so much, Arianna. Nobody has ever cared about me like this."

I smile and hug him back, inhaling the scent of pigs blood and dirt from his shirt. "You're welcome, William."

We stand there like that for quite a while, just holding eachother.

Those Violet Eyes {A Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now