Chapter 2

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I groan, and open my eyes slowly, smelling the soft scent of smoke. I gaze around tiredly to find Spike sitting on the floor in front of me, smoking and watching something useless on the television. I reach over and poke his shoulder. he jumps a bit, some of the ash from his cigarette falling onto the floor, but he turns his head to look at me.

"Oh look, the sleeping dead has awoken." He says tiredly. I point to his cigarette, and he frowns. "What? You want one?" I nod, and he hands me his pack and zippo. I light a cigarette and inhale deeply, handing him back the pack and zippo. "I never took you for a smoker. Not like they'll kill you, but still." I shrug. "Not much of a talker in the morning, are ya?" I shake my head, taking another drag. "Me neither, but I've been up for an hour. You snore."

I glance down at him. "I didn't wake you, did I?"

He shakes his head. "Nah, don't worry about it kid. You're not a loud snorer, I could only hear it once I sat down."

I smile. "Alright, just making sure. You want me to move?"

He turns to face me again. "That'd be helpful."

I crawl off of the chair and switch spots with him, leaning my back against the corner of the chair as he gets comfortable. Once he's comfortable, I lean on his leg instead, deciding that the chair's corner isn't very nice on my spine. He doesn't seem to mind. After awhile of watching stupid gameshows, I poke him in the shin. "Hey."

"What?" He asks, slightly annoyed.

"Don't you go out and feed at night?"


I look up at him, shocked. "Why not?"

"I have a stupid chip in my head that won't let me hurt humans. I can kill demons just fine, but no humans."

"How do you survive?" I ask slowly.

"Reheated animal blood and blood from a blood bank."

I stand up and place my hands on my hips. "Then we're going out to hunt."


"Yes, we. I'm going to kill someone and you can eat 'im."


"Don't but me, if they're already dead, you can't hurt 'em anymore, right?"


"So we'll go out, I'll snap a neck or two and you can drink while I go get my own dinner."

He stares at me, then stands up. "You would do that for me?"


"You don't even know me, Arianna."

"No, but it isn't fair that you can't dine like you used to."

"It still wouldn't be dining like I used to."

"Do you want fresh blood or not?"


I lure a guy into the alleyway behind the Bronze, and snap his neck. Spike comes out of the shadows, and I hold the guy out. "Here you go."

He smiles slowly, and sucks the blood down, discarding the body once he's done. "How do you do it?" He asks.

I tilt my head to the side. "Do what?"

"That was the third guy you dragged out here."

"I said I'd get you two of 'em."

"But how?"

"It's easy. Act sexy, tell them you're going home, ask if they want to come with. Takes ten minutes once someone's approached you."

Spike laughs. "Well, I want a beer."

"Then let's head back in. We can get a beer or two."

He heads inside, and just as I'm about to follow, I'm thrown into the wall. I dodge a stake shoved at my chest and kick at my attacker's feet.

"Buffy!" I hear Spike yell, but the blonde attacker doesn't stop.

She jumps up and punches at me, but I block her and snicker as I punch her nose. "What kind of name is Buffy?" I ask, smirking.

I kick her feet out from under her once more and rest my boot on her throat, kicking the stake out of her hand with my other foot.

"She's harmless, Princess." Spike says to the blonde from over my shoulder.

"Oh really." The blonde says sarcastically. "Then why did I see her lure a man out here?"

"I was helping William feed." I snap.

"Spike can't hurt humans."

"No, but he can feed off of them if I snap their necks." I say. "Besides, it's not like anyone's going to miss them, they were scumbags."

"Them? You lured more than one?!"

"They tried to get in my pants the moment they approached me, and William was hungry."

"Who the hell are you, his newest toy?" She snaps. "Wow Spike, first Dru, then Harmony, now this chick? Really?"

I put more pressure on her neck, cutting off her air flow for a moment before lifting it again. "I'm not his toy, gross."

"Hey, I take offense to that, you bint." Spike says.

"Don't give me that shit, you know what I mean." I snap over my shoulder. Buffy struggles a bit under my foot, and I press my boot down on her neck. "Who the hell are you, anyway?" I ask.

Spike walks over to us and smiles down at me. "This, Arianna, is the famous Slayer." He looks down at Buffy. "Where are the Slayerettes? They should be here somewhere, considering you're here."

"Slayerettes?" I question.

Spike laughs. "Yeah, her little group of buddies."

I laugh and release the Slayer. "I'll have to give her another chance some other time. I want a beer."

"You don't look old enough, Love." Spike says as we head inside.

"I'm 200. I'm sure I'm old enough."

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