Chapter 8

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-Arianna POV-

I smile weakly, my blood dripping from my lips. The pain in my abdomen is excruciating. "You didn't expect that, did you?" I say to Drusilla. "Have you forgotten about the little witch?"

She smiles at me, her eyes dull but somehow still shining with wickedness. "Oh, but I want Daddy to come to me. I miss him so." She strokes the hair of the doll.

"Stop calling him that, it's creepy."

She glares at me. "Be quiet. Your voice irritates me."

I spit in her direction, and the man grabs me by the throat, shoving me into the wall. "Be good, or I'll have to put you down."

Drusilla waves at him, and he lets me go, frowning. "Be nice to our guest, Raymond. We need her alive."

"Then let me put her to sleep." She waves him off, and he smiles wickedly. "This may hurt a little bit, Rat."

I struggle against the chains as Raymond pulls a blade out of the inside of his jacket. He runs the blade against the skin of my stomach, creating a few new incisions, before shoving it into my stomach, right near where Drusilla did the same just minutes before. He rips it out swiftly, and I begin to bleed profusely. My vision blurs from the lack of blood, and within seconds everything goes black.

-Spike POV-

"How are we ever going to find her in this maze of tunnels?" Willow complains, aiming her flashlight around the dark sewer tunnel.

I cough. "Can you please stop complaining?" I ask.

"We've been in here for an hour and still haven't found her." Buffy says. "Maybe that girl lied. Oh well."

"No, not oh well!' I exclaim. "I am sick and tired of your attitude, Slayer. I want to find her, and if you don't then you can find your way out. Why are you even still here?"

Buffy crosses her arms. "I'd like to drive a stake through Drusilla."

"Then shut the fuck up, god damnit." I snap.

The group is silent for awhile before Willow stops and asks, "Did you hear that?"

"I didn't hear anything." I say, straining my ears to hear in the silence.

"Listen, you can hear talking."

She's right, I can hear quiet voices in a tunnel to our left. I nod toward it, and we push on through it, slushing through the nasty liquid on the floor consisting of who knows what. We trudge for a little while, coming closer to the voices before getting to a light in the tunnel, that opens up to a large room. We walk right in, and Drusilla is standing in the center, facing us, whispering to a limp figure tied to a pole.

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