Chapter 3

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I lay down on the top of Spike's crypt, gazing up at the starry sky as I take long drags off of my cigarette. I haven't seen the sun in 200 years, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

"Arianna?" Spike asks from his place next to me.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Do you regret becoming a vampire?"

"Not in the slightest. You?"

"For the most part, no."

"For the most part?"

"About 99.9% I don't regret. That extra .1% is where my feelings for the Slayer come into play."

"What does that have to do with it?"

"You know that I love her."


"She doesn't love me because I'm a soulless, blood-sucking demon."

"But you're a man."

"She doesn't see that."

"You should show her, then."

He's quiet for a moment, then finally speaks. "What's your story?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You know my story. Everybody does. So what's yours?"

I sigh. "A man found me living on the streets when I was seventeen. He took me in and hired me on behalf of his master, to work as a maid. Our master was a curious man, always secluded in his room, and only his personal maid came to see him, to deliver his dinner and such. Well, one day when I was nineteen, she was sick and couldn't climb the stairs to his room, so she sent me to do it. I followed her instructions, knocked on his door and set the tray of his dinner on the table in the center of the room. All of a sudden, something hit me from the side and I was thrown into the wall. The blow crushed my ribs, and I could barely breathe. It was the master, and he felt horrid, he hadn't realized that I was a maid, he thought I was trespassing. He gave me a choice. To be turned and heal quickly, or stay human and take a horribly long time to heal. He told me of the consequences of healing quickly, but I took it anyway." I pause. "That's about it, really. I don't know where he is now. I left once the change had finished and never looked back."

Spike is quiet. "Well at least you're here now, I guess."

I smile. "You know, when you want to be, you can be really sweet."

He grunts. "Don't tell anyone."

"Oh don't worry, I won't. Who would I tell?"

"You could tell me." A voice from below us says.

I turn and look down to see the Slayer standing on the ground, frowning up at me. I glare at her.

"What do you want, Slayer?" I snap.

"Arianna." Spike warns.

I wave him off.

"What are you doing up there?" The Slayer asks.

"Smoking." I answer. I jump down and land in front of her, close to her face. "Want some?" I ask, blowing a puff of smoke in her face, making her cough.

I smirk and she hacks her lungs out, but she kicks at my feet, and aims to slam a stake through my chest. Before I can defend myself, she's thrown into a headstone, and Spike howls in pain, holding his head. He helps me up, and I smile at him.

"I could've gotten it, but thanks. That was close." I say.

"You're welcome." He says, and he glares that the Slayer. "Back off her, Buffy. She's not a threat."

The Slayer rises from her crouched position in front of the gravestone and glares at him. "She is very much a threat, Spike. She killed at least three guys two nights ago!"

"She was helping me, Buffy. I'm unable to feed properly anymore and she was there to help me feed at least closely to what I used to be able to."

The Slayer crosses her arms, her stake at her hip now. "Spike, she's a threat to this town. Three guys in one night means danger."

"Four." I correct.


"The last guy was an accident. He jumped me on my walk home and I threw him into a building. Snapped his neck on contact. Figured I might as well suck him dry."

The Slayer glares pointedly at Spike and gestures to me. "You see?"

"Buffy, you can't kill her." Spike says, and then he turns to me. "Go into the crypt and stay there."

I cross my arms and pout. "Why?"

"Because I told you to." He snaps.

I roll my eyes and head into the crypt, but before closing the door, I call to him, "I'm taking a pack of your cigarettes!" Then I slam the door and stand there to listen to the conversation going on outside.

"Spike, why do you defend her?" I hear the Slayer ask.

There's silence, but Spike answers after a moment. "She is no threat to you, Slayer. Nobody is going to miss those men, they were all scumbags."

"But they were still innocents."

There's a frustrated grunt, and I hear Spike yell. "Just let her be, you ignorant wanker! She isn't a threat, and if she was, do you think I'd let her stay with me?"

"Yes." The Slayer says.

"I swear, if I didn't have this goddamned chip in my head, I'd snap your neck where you stand."

"You don't have the balls."

"Oh trust me, I do."

"Prove it."

"Nah, you're not worth it. There'd be no satisfaction for me."

All of a sudden there's a huge crash, and I fling open the crypt door to see the Slayer standing over Spike, who's on the ground, laying against a broken headstone.

"You bitch!" I yell, and I spring towards the Slayer, throwing her into a crypt's side, cracking the wall. She groans and lays on the ground, slightly limp. "Leave him alone! It isn't fair for him, you know he can't harm mortals!"

"One day, Arianna, I will kill you." The Slayer manages to say, trying to stand. "I will kill you, and you'll be all alone as a pile of dust in the grass."

"Have fun trying to make that happen." I snap, and I walk over to help Spike up, leading him into the crypt, leaving the Slayer.

Those Violet Eyes {A Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt