Chapter 9

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-Arianna POV-

"Drusilla!" I hear a voice dimly cry out, and I can barely stand it.

I groan in protest, trying to quiet them down. My ears are killing me.

"Drusilla, what have you done to her?!" The voice cries again.

I groan once again in protest. I wish they'd just shut up. I can feel the happiness bleed off of Drusilla, and I want to slap her. Fucking bitch.

"Hello, Daddy." Drusilla says, her voice like syrup. Ugh, I hate when she calls William that. It's weird and creepy.

"Don't call me that." There's the voice again, dim yet sharp as nails. You weirdo, she's not calling you that, she calls William that.

Wait. "William?" I mumble, trying to get words out clearly. Sadly it comes out sounding like, "Illia?"

There's a sharp sting on the side of my face, and I barely react. "I don't like it when you call Daddy that, you rat." Drusilla's voice snaps at me.

"Don't you fucking touch her!" The voice yells, and it's closer this time, but still just as dim in my eardrums.

I faintly hear Drusilla click her tounge against her teeth. "Such strong words, Spikey." She says.

It is William! I try to speak again. "" I mumble, trying to form a coherent sentence.

There's a sharp pain in my stomach as a blade is shoved into me once more. "The lady said not to call him that." I hear the voice of Raymond. "You're not a good listener, Rat."

"Stop it!" The voice of William cries out again, and he sounds like he's breaking.

I hear faint footsteps, as Drusilla walks away from me and presumably towards William. I try to open my eyes, and the dim light of the sewer is too bright, but I fight against it, just to look at him. He may not be much, but I'd like it if he was the last thing I saw before I bleed to death. I just hope he is able to live in our apartment on his own without someone reminding him to eat and get out of the house every once in a while.

Sure enough, William is standing not too far from me, watching me with sad pale blue eyes. I try to smile at him, but I'm sure it comes out as a grimace. To my surprise, The Slayer and her little witch are with him, and I attempt to raise an eyebrow.

"The Slay ame to sav me?" I mumble. God, I sound like an idiot.

"Shut the hell up, you Rat." Raymond snaps, shoving the blade into my thigh this time.

I screech, and gather the strength to spit at him, going limp in my chains once again and closing my eyes. I don't have the energy for this, I should just let go...

-Spike POV-

"Drusilla, you let her go right now." I snap. "Let me take her home."

Drusilla giggles. "I can't let you do that, Spikey." She says. "I can't let you take her to the place that should be ours." She rests a hand on the side of my face, the other hand clutching a doll with dark hair. "Let her die, take me with you instead. It can be just like it used to be."

"I can't do that." I say, frowning.

Drusilla recoils, a frown on her delicate face. "You're different, Spikey. Something's wrong with you." She looks over at Arianna's limp figure. Is she breathing?! Her chest rises slightly and I relax. Still alive. Good. "What is it about this girl, that makes you all soggy? It's sickening."

In one quick movement, The Slayer pushes me and shoves a stake through Drusilla, catching her off guard. Drusilla's head snaps back to us, and she frowns, looking down at her chest. She giggles. "Slayer, you missed the target. You're out of practi-"

I slide a stake out of my sleeve and shove it into her heart, cutting her off as she turns to dust at my feet. "She missed her target so I could hit mine." I say to the ashes, and the man with the blade near Arianna screeches and runs at us.

To his dismay, he turns to dust before he can even reach me, because Buffy runs at him and slams a stake through his chest. The threats gone, I sprint towards Arianna, crouching in front of her and cupping her face in my hands. She's gone colder than she should be.

"Love, wake up." I nudge. "Arianna, hold on, we're going to get you out of here." I look over at Willow. "Can you cut these chains with magic?"

She nods and does so with some spell, and Arianna falls forward, right into me. I lift her into my arms, and I lead The Slayer and Willow out of the sewers, all the while mumbling to Arianna that we'll get her home, we'll feed her, she'll be alright.

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