Chapter 6

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-Spike POV-

"Get out. Now." The Slayer growls at me, but I just stare at her pleadingly.

"Buffy, please. You have to help me."

"I don't have to do anything for you."

"But she's gone missing, she hasn't been back in almost two days!"

"I don't care, it isn't my problem!"

"But what if she's hurt?! Are you just going to let her die?"


"How could you?!"

She glares at me, an angry glint in her eye. "If I let her die, then it's one more Vampire that I don't have to kill myself."

"You haven't killed me yet."

"You're helpless, so there's no reason to kill you. Other than the fact that you piss me off."

"Buffy, please. I'll be out of your hair. I just have to know that she's safe."

"Why do you even care?" She snaps. "You've barely known her for three months."

I glare at her. "Because I'm allowed to care. I have feelings, which is more than I can say for you."

She raises a fist, but there's a cough from the doorway to the living room. We look over, and Willow is leaning against the frame. "We could scry for her." She says. "Do you have something of hers?"

I pull a keychain out of my pocket. The charm is circular and has an image of a blody heart with a spike shoved through it. "She gave me this for my house key. Will it work?" I ask.

"Hopefully. Follow me." She gives Buffy an annoyed look, and Buffy storms past her to sit on the couch.

I follow Willow through the house to the dining room. She gestures for me to sit, and sets a few things up. She places a map on the center of the table and puts a candle in every corner. She attached the keychain to a crystal on a string, and begins to mumble under her breath and she dangles the crystal over the map of Sunnydale. The crystal lands on Buffy's address, and Willow sighs, untying the keychain.

"It's finding you, this won't work." She says, handing me the keychain. When I take it, she grabs my hand. "Think really hard about her. We may be able to track her through your thoughts."

I close my eyes and focus on her. Her dark hair, how it always flows down her back beautifully. Her purple eyes and the playful glint they have when she jokes. Her bright smile always lights up a room, and her amazing legs, toned and pale, I just want to-

"Spike." Willow's voice cuts into my thoughts. I snap my eyes open and the crystal is sitting on the address of my apartment.

I frown. "She hasn't been hom in two days, Willow. There's no way she's there."

"Well she obviously came back, so you can leave now. You just wasted our time." Buffy's voice emanates from behind me, and I stand up to turn and lgare at her.

"Your time may have been wasted, but mine wasn't."

Those Violet Eyes {A Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now