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After all we've been through, and she's gone.

Gone from me, gone from this world.

And I have nothing to show for it but an empty apartment.

I could leave this town, but she loved this place.

Loved luring men and killing, loved stealing cars and taking joyrides.

But there was always good in her heart.

She knew what the right thing to do was, and always made an effort to make sure she at least tried to do it.

I stare at the grave in front of me, the grave with her name on it and fresh dirt in front of it. Arianna Jones, 1800-2000.

I place the bouquet of roses in front of the grave, and sit down next to it, leaning against the stone. Lighting a cigarette, I smile.

"This one's for you, babe." I say, inhaling the toxic smoke deeply.

I stay there, smoking cigarette after cigarette until my pack is gone and the sun is almost up. I rise and kiss the top of the gravestone before leaving and heading towards my crypt. When I get there, I automatically sense a presence behind the door. I kick the door open and there's a woman standing just inside, sitting on the floor with her legs crossed and her eyes closed.

"Get out." I snap at her.

She opens her eyes and tilts her head to the side at me. "Don't you want to know how to get your beloved back?"

"What are you talking about?" I snap again. "She's dead, and she's not coming back."

"But what if she could?' The girl asks, a strange smile on her face. "What would you be willing to do for it?"

"She was a vampire, she was already dead, she can't come back."

"Is that what the good little witch told you?" She giggles. "There's always a way to bring someone back from the dead, vampire or not." She rises from her spot, and walks past me. "It's just a matter of what you're willing to do to get her back."

Those Violet Eyes {A Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now