Chapter 1

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~~Note before you being reading: This story takes place in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer universe, and it's just about during the fifth season. That is all, you may begin.~~

He's having fun, dancing and flirting with the girls who're flying stag. I watch him from the bar, a martini in my hand. I twirl the toothpick with olives on it in my drink until we lock eyes, and I bite an olive off of the toothpick. He raises an eyebrow and saunters over, smirking at me.

"Well hello there." He says.

I take a sip of my martini, smiling slightly. "Hello to you too."

"Love your colored contacts."

"Don't wear contacts."

His eyes narrow. "But your eyes are purple."

"It's just the lighting. Here, follow me and I'll show you."

I lead him outside to the empty alleyway in the back and show him my eyes. "They're still purple..." He says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Really? Are you sure? Look closer."

He leans forward until I can feel his breath, and as he studies my eyes, my fangs slide out and I bury them in his neck. He screams a bit until his screams die down to gurgling and I've drunken all of his blood. I leave him there and scale the wall to my left, hurrying to the cemetary. I've never had a certain "home" here, I just sort of hide in empty crypts until morning after I've fed. Once I've found a seemingly empty crypt, I sneak inside, only to find it...occupied. I stare at the spread before me, a little shocked. There's the coffin, of course, but there's also a comfy-looking chair and a television set on a table, a pack of cigarettes in front of it. I stare, wide-eyed, but then I hear footsteps behind me, and before I can turn around, there's a hand around my neck and I'm up against the wall. It's a blonde guy with his hair slicked back and he's wearing a dark coat and black trousers. I stare at his vampirey face for a moment before I realize who he is. William the Bloody.

"Oh my god, is it really you? Are you really William the Bloody?!"

He stares at me a moment before setting me back down and backing away a bit. "Who the hell are you?"

"Oh wow, you've got a nice place here, William."

He frowns at me. "Who the hell are you...and what's up with your eyes?"

"One: I was looking for somewhere to crash. Two: My name is Arianna, and I was born with violet eyes."

"Okay, Arianna. Why did you decide to crash here, in my home, when there are plenty of other places to live?" He asks.

I roll my eyes. "I didn't realize this place was occupied, sorry. I don't have a place to live, so I just kinda come and go whereever I can."

"Well you can't here."

I point to the door. "Sun's up now."

"Like I care."

I glare at him. "I'm not going out there, William."

"Well you can't stay in here."

"What're you gonna do, make me leave?"

He narrows his eyes at me. "Yes."

I roll my eyes and laugh. "If you throw me out, a part of you is gonna get touched by the sun and you'll get burned."

"Not if I wear gloves."

"You don't have gloves around here."

He glares at me. "You will sleep in the corner and you will like it. You're out by morning."

I shrug. "Not like it's anything new, the corners are actually quite comfortable."

"I'm not falling for that."

"For what?"

"The 'I'm not used to comfortable things, so I'm going to pretend like I'm comfortable in uncomfortable places so I can get comfortable places and act uncomfortable.' I've done that."

I frown. "I'm being serious. I'm used to curling up in corners of crypts and sleeping without a blanket or pillow or anything. I'm not asking you to give me your blanket, I'm not asking for you to give me your bed. I like the corner, it's comfortable to me by now, so shut the hell up and deal with it."

He stares at me for a moment, then nods. "You know, kid, I like you."

I raise an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

"Yeah. You're a bitch. I respect that." He then shrugs. "You can sleep in the chair if you want, I'm going to sleep."

I watch as he crawls into the coffin and closes the lid. I smile at the coffin and tiptoe over to kiss the lid gently. Thanks, William. Who knew that you had a little bit of heart?

~~Note: Okay, I know, I know, I'm sort of a sap. But I really like Spike, and I want this story to sort of show his reluctant, hidden side that's kind and sweet.

But honestly, if I continue with this story is totally up to you guys, so let me know what you think of it!~~

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