Chapter 5

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There's a crash. "Oops."

"What'd you do?" Spike calls from his bedroom.

"Nothing!" I call back, trying to sweep up the bits of broken glass on the kitchen floor.

"Really?" He asks. "Because it looks like you dropped a mug."

I turn around slightly to see him standing against the wall, raising his scarred eyebrow at me. I smile sheepishly, and there's a sharp pain in my hand.

"FUCK!" I screech, looking down at my hand. While I was looking at Spike, A shard of the mug glass went through my hand, and it's bleeding profusely.

"Shit, shit, shit." Spike mumbles, helping me stand up and running me to our bathroom. "I'm going to pull it out, okay?"

I wink at him, trying to distract myself from the intense pain. "I'm sure you'd like to keep it in."

He looks me directly in the eyes and pulls the shard out of my hand. I scream in pain and he smiles. "I'm sure I could make you scream louder than that."

I laugh despite the pain, and turn the cold water in the sink on. It runs for a minute before I shove my hand under the freezing water, shrinking the blood vessels in my hand, causing the bleeding to slow down. Spike pulls my hand out of the water and wraps my hand in a towel, lifting it and keeping pressure on it to try and clot the blood.

"Well, it looks like it should be alright. We'll give you stitches when the bleeding calms down." He says, and I sit up on the counter so I'm at his eye level.

"I could've gotten it." I say, frowning.

"Don't let your pride get the best of you, Love." He says. "You never would've been able to pull that thing out of your hand on your own."

I pout. "Thanks."

He kisses my cheek. "You're welcome."

About half an hour later, Spike has my hand stitched up with dental floss and I'm sitting on the couch with a mug of blood and my hand on ice, watching some reality show on television.

"Do I have to drink this?" I call to him.

"Yes, it'll get your strength up so you can heal!" Spike calls from the bedroom.

"But I don't want to have any more! I want real food!"

He emerges from the bedroom, only in dark jeans. "You can't hunt until you're better."

I wink at him. "You can make me all better."

He rolls his eyes at me. "What're you even watching?"

I glance at the television, sad to pull my eyes away from him. "I'm not sure. I think it's in Spanish."

"Why are you watching Spanish television?"

"I sat on the remote and now it won't let me change the language."

He sighs and picks up the remote, clicking a few buttons before the language changes. "You're welcome."

He turns to leave, and I frown. "Why are you in such a bad mood today?"

He looks at me, his eyes lacking the usual glint in them. "What are you talking about?" He asks. "I'm fine."

I raise my eye brows at him and stand up, getting close to stare into his eyes. "There's something wrong, I can sense it. Is it the Slayer? I'll slit her throat for you if you want. Would that make you smile, William?"

He sighs. "No, I don't want you to kill her."

"Do you want to kill some demons?"


I rest my head on his chest and wrap my arms around him in a hug. "William, what's wrong?"

He wraps his arms around me and just sighs. "I don't know, I've just been in a funk."

I look up at him, suddenly struck with an idea. "Do you need sex?"

He looks at me, wide-eyed. "Excuse me?"

"We could hire a hooker."

He laughs. "I don't think I'd want a hooker."

I stick my lower lip out, pouting. "Damn. Well what's the matter with you?"

He rests his chin on my head. " I really don't know."

I'm quiet for a minute. "Is it Drusilla? Because I heard that she's in town, and-"




I sigh and back away, looking up at him. "Why don't we go out and feed?"

He frowns. "You can't, not until that blood gets through your system and you heal."

I wiggle my eyebrows at him. "You could help me get it through my system."

He snorts. "And how am I supposed to do that?"

I wiggle my eyebrows at him more. "I'm sure you know."

He stares at me in confusion before his eyes go wide. "Oh my god, you're kidding?!"

I start laughing. "You know I'm kidding, William." I sit back down on the couch, staring into space as the bratty girls on television whine.

Spike sits down next to me, frowning. "Arianna, I'm not saying you're not attra-"

"I know." I cut him off.

"I mean, I would but-"

"I know."

He sighs, and I get up from the couch. I head towards the door, taking a pack of cigarettes from the counter.

"I'm going for a walk." I say, leaving and closing the door behind me before he has the chance to get up and stop me.

Those Violet Eyes {A Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now