During Dinner

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Their food had arrived and they began eating. They talked a little bit while they ate but it soon grew silent. Dan couldn't stand it so he broke the silence.

"So..have u seen any of the fan made things? I mean they seem like they aren't going to stop any time soon..like you said.." He laughed nervously.

"Oh right...as a matter of fact I have. There were a few fan pairings that were really odd. And you?"

"Well...I definitely agree about the odd pairings.. Like someone did Voldemort and your dad" He gave air quotes to the last word.

Tom let out a laugh. " Actually that one almost makes sense... The one that makes no sense however is the one about...um..." He gestured between them before basically whispering the last word. "Us"

Dan began to blush...furiously.

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