The Plan

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"Do you think that it would be a good idea if if we go to my house? It's a few miles away... we can take my limo if it wont bother you? If not that's okay too..." He looked into Dan's eyes.

"That sounds great... I mean I don't really want to go home right now...alone I mean... it's too quiet." He looked at Tom, ready to have him laugh at him. What he saw instead puled on his heartstrings.

"I know what you mean. It's hard to know that so many people are talking about you all over the world yet all you hear is silence. I got a parrot recently but it made me angry. So I asked James and Oliver if they wanted it. They both said no at the same time. I just laughed and walked off. So then I asked Rupert who said he would take it off my hands. Sorry for the ramble... ready to go?" He blushed  again. 

Dan let out a loud child-like laugh for the first time in a long time. "That's so Rupert. And yes I'm ready to go." The two stood up, ready to go.

"I like your laugh... you should let me hear it more often."He smiled at Dan in the most admiration filled way.

"Okay deal. But under one condition." Tom looked at him questioningly. "I will keep laughing and being happy if you keep telling me that you love me." Dan was finally happy but feared that he had said something wrong when he didn't hear from Tom at first. He looked up at him wanting to search his eyes for the truth. As per usual, things didn't go according to his plan. As soon as his face had tipped up, Tom's lips crushed down on his. He eagerly kissed him back.

Their make-out session was interrupted by thunderous applause from the people round them Dan heard a familiar voice shout "Finally!" He recognized the voice as his friend Emma, his only co-star he told about his affection for his on-screen enemy. She ran up to the two of them and hugged them.

Once Emma had walked away, Tom asked, "What was that all about?"

"She knew...about me liking you."

"Oh alright then." He leaned down and whispered into Dan's ear "Let go get into that limo... we have a make-out session to finish." Dan blushed as Tom took his hand and led him out the door.

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