The Park Date

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As Dan and Tom pulled up to the park, they spotted the perfect place to set up their picnic spot.

"Ready love?" Tom asked. His answer was a firm but quick kiss from his boyfriend Dan. They both got out if the truck and put down their blanket before setting up their food. People were looking at them but not staring.

A little girl walked up to them. She couldn't have been any older than ten. "Draco? Harry?" She questioned. Both boys nodded and smiled. "Is it true? You guys are in love?"

"Well, yes we are." Dan said blushing. "Also, our real names are Daniel and Tom. what is yours?"
The little girl blused before replying. "My name is Rose but most people call me Rosie."

"Well Rosie, its very nice to meet you." Tom replied. Rosie skipped over to a large building on the left of the park.
"Is that building an orphanage?" Dan asked sadly. Tom just nodded. "Pore little Rosie." Dan muttered before starting to eat a sandwich.

Tom picked up his sandwich as well and began to eat. "I've been thinking, now that the movies are over, we won't be in the spot light so much. I mean with all the new movie franchises coming our, we won't be under so much pressure. We can be who we want when we want."

"This is true. But right now, the only thing I want to be is yours. " Dan whispered before taking Tom and kissing him. Once again they heard applause surrounded them as they kissed.

Tom pulled away first with a smile on his face. He looked around at the crowed and spotted Rosie in the back ground sitting on the orphanage steps waving. He waved back. Tom and Dan packed up their picnic and headed home.

Both Tom and Dan couldn't shake the feeling that something big was soon going to happen.
This chapter is dedicated to ConnieJoao for encouraging me and being patient :) Thank You

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