Tom's House

978 49 7

"Wow this place is huge!" Dan looked at Tom in astonishment. "Who else lives here?"

"Well my folks usually stay on the second and third floor when they visit but mostly its just me living here on the first floor." He replied looking nervous. Dan simply nodded in understand before he took of running around the house and opening all the doors.

"Catch me!!!" Dan yelled as Tom took off after him. Tom heard a big bang and heard Dan go "Ow!" . He ran in the direction of it. When he reached the sound he found himself in his bedroom. Dan was sitting on the floor tightly grasping his left foot.

"What happened?" He leaned down and took Dan's foot into his hands. Dan whimpered in pain before replied.

"I ran in here and smacked my foot off of that thing over there" Dan pointed towards the vacuum that was not all the way against the wall like it was supposed to be.

"Oh I'm sorry its supposed to be against the wall.  Timber must have moved it." He laughed and shook his head.

"Timber?" Dan asked questioningly. As soon as the name had been uttered a short haired brown dog came charging into the room. "Whoa...where did you come from?" He wondered aloud as the dog licked his face.

"Dan that's Timber my dog. He doesn't bark much and typically doesn't come until he is called." He looked at Dan's face that was covered in dog slobber and was about to apologize for his dogs behavior when he saw Dan's face break into a smile.

"He's so cute! I sometimes walk bunches of dogs around the city when I have to... which I guess will be a lot more often now huh?"

"Did you just use the word bunches?" They both laughed. "Well maybe I can bring Timber and help you walk them sometime?" Dan nodded in agreement. " about we watch a movie? I have the whole Harry potter series If you want to watch it?"

"Sure sounds great!"

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