Ending Dinner

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"You...you what?" Tom looked at Daniel in awe. He wasn't quite sure that any of this was actually happening.

"That's right Tom... I like you too. I have liked you since I watched you walk into the auditions. I tried to ig-"

"Ignore it? Ya me too..." Tom blushed. "Sorry for interrupting you...again."

"That's alright. If it was anyone else, I'd get mad. And in the famous words Dr Banner, " You wouldn't like me when I'm mad.""Dan smiled at Tom.

"I'm pretty sure that I'd...I'd like you regardless... Or something more..." Dan had gone silent so he looked up to see if he said something wrong. He was shocked when he saw that Dan was in the verge of tears. "Dan? Are...are you okay?"

"Tom...I'm...I'm okay. Its just...that I can relate to Harry as a person because I too never really feel loved and appreciated." He took a deep breath before continuing "I knew that one day I would find someone who could and would love me. I think I just found him."

It was Tom's turn to cry now. He reached out and grabbed Dan's hand. "I have too"

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