Movie Time

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After putting in Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone, The two snuggled on Tom's couch and took turns pointing out things they had problems with. Such as scenes where the two were fighting or arguing.  They both pointed out times where they had cut out film chunks where the two were laughing because they couldn't take being mean to each other seriously. "Oh my god! I remember that scene!" Dan exclaimed as the scene where Draco offers his hand to Harry.

Tom nudged Dan's shoulder and he turned to face him. "Hello. My name is Tom Felton. " Tom stretched out her hand towards Dan. Dan shook his hand and rotated their joined hands so he could slip their fingers together. He then leaned in and they shared their second kiss. "Guess what?" Tom asked once he caught his breath. Dan just looked at him questioningly. "I love you." Tom replied smiling.

"I love you too." Dan couldn't pay attention to the movie anymore because he was all too aware that he was finally happy. He finally had everything he had ever wanted and yet he couldn't shake the fear that it wouldn't last. Tom noticed his distress.

"What's wrong?" Tom was worried about Dan. He always was hard on himself. When Dan didn't answer, he pulled him into his lap. "Please tell me what's bothering you?" He wrapped his arms around Dan so he knew he would stay. 

"I just don't want to lose you is all." Dan looked up at Tom and felt silly for his fear. Tom looked back at him with nothing but admiration and love in his eyes. 

"You wont. You are going to be stuck with me rather you like it or not." Tom smiled as Dan moved off his lap and cuddled into him.  The ending credits of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix displayed across the screen as the two of them fell asleep.

Sorry this one is shorter. I've been busy

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