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61. You just realized there's a blog called, "Is Today Christmas?" And it will tell you whether it is Christmas or not.

62. The brain named itself.

63. When we study for finals, most people are studying with their textbooks, and I'm like studying on the computer while checking Wattpad.

64. We all try to remember the dream we just had that morning.

65. When we find out someone we like doesn't have a partner I'm like, "I VOLUNTEER!!!"

66. When we see a teacher and student arguing in class, I'm just like grabbing imaginary buttered popcorn.

67. We all have that moment where we finally call our Mom after several missed calls and she's like,"WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME I CALLED YOU 50 BILLION TIMES AND YOU DIDN'T ANSWER LALALALALALALA!!!!"

68. All the Spongebob fans when they see a light flickering someone's like, "The light needs to be changed." But we're all like,"OMG GURL THE HASH SLINGING SLASHER!!!"

69. When we put headphones on we just enter a world of our own.

70. When we spend a long time doing a project and the next day the teacher doesn't collect it. "How is this teacher not fired already?"

71. When someone asks us for candy, we just give them the ones we don't like very much.

72. When we lose our phones we're like, "YOU CAN'T HIDE FOREVER!"

73. Justin Bieber's all like,"I have millions of fans and i'm still in my 20's!"
Then Spongebob's like," I have billions of fans and I don't even exist."

74. Wouldn't it be cool to meet the opposite gender of you?

75. Our hair turning gray is like a marker running out of ink.

76. When we see our enemies we're like, "Looking for a once in a lifetime experience? Go skydiving with no parachute."

77. If you're a billionaire and your pool doesn't have a slide from your bedroom to the pool, you are doing it wrong.

78. Since when did we replace "said", with "was like"?

79. "You wore that before."
"Yeah cause it's my shirt and i have a washing machine."

80. Me: Mom, I need money.
Mom: What? Did you spend those two dollars I gave you in 2013 already?

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