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191. You just realized when your favorite show ends and you're like, "Well what do I do now..."

192. It sucks when you're pretending to ignore a guy when he passes but it backfires and he starts ignoring you too.

193. When you're on summer break and every day is cheat day.

194. When you get a hold of your mom's phone and start looking at all of her messages.

195. Just because you saw my name doesn't mean I actually watched your snapchat story. I was tapping 100 mph.

196. You don't know stress until you own headphones or a charger that only work if your phone is at a certain angle.

197. When a person in class is reading out loud and you count the people in front of you so you can find your paragraph and rehearse.

198. I wish my life had background music so I could understand what the heck is going on...

199. If we're not meant to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the fridge?

200. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance....the five stages of waking up.

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