Chapter 45 - Planning the attack

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Damon couldn't believe it but it made sense. Arena was Robin Hood's daughter but she didn't know, not yet at least. Damon knew that Hood must be with Arena or near her and he was going to tell her the truth.

Now I know how she got her skills, she inherited them from Robin Hood, Damon thought. Damon although shocked that Robin Hood had a daughter, he was kind of relieved that Nicholas had not been Arena's real father, she could possibly forgive him.
It changes nothing, even if Nicholas was not her real father, Arena will always love him as her father, she will never forgive you, his subconscious whispered to him.

Damon sighed as he paced his tent, thinking. John was sending out messages to all who wished to fight for him and for days, he had been receiving replies of acceptance. They would all meet at the edge of the woods, John was still working on the plan but it wouldn't be long now.

Damon predicted that by the end of the week they would arrive near the city and the fight will begin. I wonder if Arena will fight, Damon thought. She probably will, she would not miss out on a chance to actually fight, he thought. He wished she wouldn't though, he wished her to be safe but she was too stubborn.

" She probably wants revenge on John, on me", he whispered to himself. He sighed tiredly and played with his pouch that hung around his neck. Ever since John told him who his parents were, he wanted to go out and find what happened to them.

After this battle is done, whether we win or lose, I'm searching for my parents, he thought. Someone cleared their throat from behind Damon, startling him. Damon turned to face the person, scowling. " What is it", Damon asked the man. He was one of John's men, what was his name again, Damon thought.

The man was short and stocky with cold blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. He had been with John since the beginning along with Jack and Frederick. Well just Frederick now since Jack was dead, Damon thought.

Lukas, that's it, Damon thought. "What is it Lukas", Damon asked annoyed as the man smirked at him.

" John wants to see you, about the plan",said Lukas. Damon nodded and hurriedly left his tent, Lukas on his heels. They arrived at John's tent and entered. Frederick was already there, slouching as he watched John look at a map.

" I think we should have our main force here, the main entrance into the city and a smaller force here at the back entrance, it's direct, simple and quick", grumbled John. " We will have enough men but I have little way of knowing how many men the prince has", grumbled John.

Frederick looked up as Damon and Lukas entered. " About time, why are you always so slow Lukas, how hard is it to call the boy here, he isn't an idiot", laughed Frederick.

" Why bother rushing, we've got time", smirked Lukas rolling his eyes.

"Actually we don't Lukas, I've received acceptance replies to all I messaged and I know the prince will be organising his men quickly, his men have trained for war most of their life which gives them an advantage, I've managed to teach as much as I could of their ways as I can as well as instructions to our allies but will it be enough" grumbled John. He glared at Lukas in annoyance and Lukas flinched.

" I'm sorry John", grumbled Lukas bowing his head. John rolled his eyes and waved his hand, dismissing his apology.

" So what do you think, good plan", John asked.

" I think we should go in waves, first four waves of men tire out the Prince's men and then we finish them off, I think we should also have small groups trying to get around the army, if they could get into the city and grab some hostages, they would have to surrender", said Damon. Woah, where did that come from, Damon thought shocked.

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