Chapter 30 - Betrayal and choice

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"Arena, wait up, I want to ask you something", yelled a deep grumbling voice. Arena smiled and turned to see Zach sprinting up to her, his ash black hair falling into his golden brown eyes. His hair had grown a bit since  they had first met and was sticking up at different angles. Arena giggled quietly at Zach's appearance and he frowned in confusion.

" What, what's so funny", frowned Zach scratching his head. Arena grinned at her friend and grabbed his hand.

"Your hair, did you even brush it this morning", smirked Arena. Zach frowned and tried to flatten his hair.

"Um I tried to but it's just so stubborn", grumbled Zach.

" You're hopeless Zach, come here", smiled Arena and she pulled Zach into a spare room.  She spotted a spare comb on the dressing table and picked it up.

" Thanks Arena,  what would I do without you", smiled Zach as Arena fixed his hair.

"I don't know, probably run around with half of your hair looking like bed hair", smirked Arena.

" Ha ha, so funny", grumbled Zach as Arena giggled.

" Why were you in such a rush, where were you scampering off too", smiled Arena, already guessing the answer.

" Well I wanted to ask you about Jade actually, do you think she likes me", Zach asked quietly.

"Obviously or she would probably have shot you by now", smirked Arena.

" Thanks for the encouragement", grumbled Zach and Arena smiled.

" No she does really like you Zach, she looks at you like I...", began Arena but stopped hesitating.

" Like...", smirked Zach seeing Arena's hesitation.

Was she really about to say like how I look at the two boys but I don't know which one as my heart feels like it's  being split in two, she thought.  " Like how my parents looked  at each other", Arena whispered quickly.

"Oh right", smirked Zach. Arena was sure that Zach knew exactly who she had meant but didn't push her which she was grateful for.

" Yeah like how they use to look at each other", mumbled Arena tugging at a knot in Zach's hair.

" Ouch, well I was thinking about telling her my feelings for her and asking her to be my girlfriend", smiled Zach sheepishly.

Arena smiled smugly as she brushed Zach's hair. " I think that's a great idea, Zachariah ", smirked Arena. 

" You really think so", Zach asked as he watched Arena in the mirror.

" Yes and how did that ride go", Arena asked smiling.

" It went well but Arena are you sure you're ok, what happened with Damon and all", whispered Zach frowning. Zach felt so angry at what he had done to Arena and Rowan who was still in a deep sleep.

"Yeah I'm fine, I should have known Damon was a bastard ", Arena said stiffly.

" They haven't found him yet, have they?", Zach asked watching Arena closely. She shook her head and yanked on a knot in Zach's hair. He winced but Arena hadn't seen.

"It seems that he has disappeared but a citizen did see him with two men, one thought to be Little John", frowned Arena.

" Little John as in Robin Hood's ex lieutenant", Zach asked.

" The very same", sighed Arena.

" Does that mean he is part of that gang", Zach mumbled.

Arena shook her head and sighed. " I don't know what it means Zach and I honestly don't care anymore, he made those choices and he can live with them but I just thought", Arena whispered but stopped.

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