Chapter 8 - A weighty decision

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The birds sang beautifully as they flew passed the large elegant, glass window. Stephen looked outside glumly as he watched the birds fly pass. They are free and I am not, he thought glumly as he rested his chin on his fist. He could hear his father yelling at the captain, the captain that had been with him when the incident had occurred a week ago. They had only made it back and already he was locked in his room while the captain was getting punished.

Stephen sighed and stared out of the window. He longed to be free like the birds, to fly away but he couldn't. He was stuck in his large and elgant room while his father yelled about Stephen's near death experience. He sighed as he heard the captain argue that everything went smoothly in the end. "Smoothly, a girl saved my son, a girl was the only one to do anything", his father yelled.

"We were trapped, we couldn't do anything without hurting Stephen, your majesty", grumbled the captain.

" But she did, next time I want Hunter following further behind to preform a clean shot", grumbled his father.  A creak of the window made Stephen twist around to see Hunter, his best friend crouched on the window sill. He put a finger to his lips, hiding a cocky smile as both boys listened to the captain being yelled at.

"Sir, I don't think that's possible, Hunter is better at the prince's side, his reaction times are very good when he's close to Stephen", whispered the captain. Hunter smirked and gave a mocking bow as Stephen just shook his head, shaking silently from laughter.

" Well not good enough, if it weren't for the young lady, both of them would be dead", yelled the king.

" We were lucky she was there, she saved many lives", the captain whispered.

" I DON'T CARE HOW MANY LIVES SHE SAVED, SHE IS A GIRL WHO MADE THE ROYAL GUARDS LOOK LIKE FOOLS", shouted the king and both boys winced at the loud booming voice of the King of England.

Your father is overreacting too much mouthed Hunter to Stephen who nodded rubbing his temple. " I'm sorry sir, we will try harder next time", the captain grumbled.

Stephen knew what was coming and grabbed two pillows and stuffed them to his ears. Hunter followed suit but even with pillows blocking most  of the noise, the king's booming voice rang through. "THERE WON'T BE A NEXT TIME WARNER, YOU ARE FIRED", screamed the King.

There was silence and then retreating footsteps and then silence. The birds began to sing again as the boys took the pillows away from their ears. " Well I never liked that captain anyway, too cocky", said Hunter quietly.

"That's rich coming from you", muttered Stephen frowning.

" Hey, I'm not cocky, I'm just smart", smirked Hunter jumping onto Stephen's bed . Stephen glared at Hunter and frowned. " Sorry if my intelligence comes out as cocky", chuckled Hunter.

"Shut up Hunter, this is serious that's my second guard captain in a month and a half and I bet no other soldiers are keen for the job", grumbled Stephen glaring daggers at his best friend.

Hunter raised his hands up in surrender as his friend glared at him. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't say stuff like that", he smirked, shaking his head. His reddish brown hair fell into his stormy grey eyes as he stared at his best friend. Stephen glared at him but turned away towards the door.

" Hunter, sometimes I wish I was you", muttered Stephen as he faced the door. His messy blonde hair stood up and no amount of brushing or jell would flatten it but the style suited the prince. Hunter frowned in confusion as he stared at Stephen's back.

" Why would you want to be like me", asked Hunter trying to hide his amusement in his voice.

Stephen wipped around to face his best friend. " Because you're free, you can leave any time you like and no one would question it", growled Stephen. Hunter took a step back from his friend's anger and sighed.

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