Chapter 14 - A day out, turned sour

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Stephen paced  in his room in the inn, thinking. Hunter watched him curiously, trying hard not to smile. " What's the matter Steve", smirked Hunter. Stephen frowned unsure what to say. He was frustrated and confused. It had nearly been two weeks since Hunter, his guards and himself came to this small village where Arena was. Two weeks to get to know her and yet he was no closer into understanding the girl with those beautiful green eyes then when he first met her.

Sure they were now friends and got along well, laughing and joking but she was so different from the girls he was use to. The girls he was use to were shallow, silly and always giggly. Arena was none of that but her laugh was a rare and beautiful sound that he wished to hear more often sometimes.

He sighed, he had to go back soon but it was so nice here. This was like a holiday for him. Hunter frowned as he watched Stephen. Something was bothering him, probably dreading to go back to the castle, he thought.

"We need to do something nice before we go back to the castle", muttered Stephen running a hand through his soft blonde hair.

" Mhm, anything in mind I don't think a fancy dinner would be Arena's taste", smirked Hunter. Stephen glared at Hunter in annoyance but smiled.

" How about a picnic, we can take the horses and go somewhere pretty but private", smiled Stephen. Hunter smiled wondering if they could go to the place Arena took him.

" Sounds like a plan, we better get a basket ready and tell Rowan what's happening, he isn't please with knowing nothing until it's happening", smirked Hunter. Rowan was quite strict but he was much better than the previous captain. Nothing bad had happened since they had arrived which was a relief.

" Mmm, you're right, I'll get the owner to organise a big basket and we can surprise her", smiled Stephen. Hunter laughed and rolled his eyes.

" Let's hope Damon and Zach don't come along, Zach pretty cool but Damon...", muttered Hunter shaking his head.

" I agree, Damon is strange and have you noticed how he looks at Arena, like she's a trophy worth keeping", grumbled Stephen. Hunter eyes narrowed at the thought of the strange boy. Arena and Damon were friends which was fine but the way he did look at Arena, Stephen was right. Hunter sighed, he was as frustrated as Stephen. He really had wanted Arena to come with them back to the castle, but I guess that's not her style, Hunter thought.

"I'm sure he won't come, he's not very good at riding, come on times a wasting", smirked Hunter, jumping up from the chair.

Stephen smirked at Hunter's energy. "Keen aren't you", smirked Stephen as he opened the door. " Alright,  come on", smiled Stephen as he stepped out of the room.  Hunter followed him and grinned to himself, this is going to be a great day out, he thought as they hurried to tell Rowan their plans.


Arena hummed a simple tune as she swept the barn's dusty and dirty floor. Nightfire munched on a sweet crunchy apple Arena had given him as he watched her at work. "What are you humming milady Arena", said Zach from the door.

Arena rolled her eyes and glared at her new friend. " I told you not to call me that Zach", smirked Arena rolling her eyes.

" Sorry, slipped my mind", smirked Zach.  "What are you doing", he asked as he watched her.

" Doing my trade idiot, like you with blacksmithing, me with farming", smirked Arena.

" Oh I thought you were trying to dance with that broom", smirked Zach. He jumped closer and hugged Arena from behind, startling her.

She giggled and nudged him with her elbow to push him away. " Don't, stop it", Arena laughed as Zach started to tickle her.

" What are two doing", grumbled Damon walking inside putting a sack down.

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