Chapter 38 - Recovering

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Robin galloped quickly towards the castle, Arena slumped on his lap. She felt hot against his skin and her breathing was ragged. She needed proper rest, food and maybe medicine as soon as possible. Robin longed to ride away with Arena, find the Merry Men and head towards the ocean.

He wanted Arena away from the prince, Hunter and that life but he knew he couldn't. It was her life and her choice, he couldn't do everything for her. He knew he couldn't protect her forever from everything, John had proved that.

I bet he knows that Arena is my daughter, he thought. He was kind of glad that he hadn't faced John back at the windmill for two reasons. He would have mentioned Arena was his daughter and he wanted to be the one to tell her and Robin didn't want to face Stephen or Hunter when they figured out he was Robin Hood. Working with the prince was strange enough, he wouldn't even have met the prince if it weren't for Arena.

He sighed quietly and glanced down at Arena. She looks like her mother except for her eyes and hair, she inherited those from me, he thought. He glanced at Hunter and Stephen talking quietly as they rode ahead. The chance that Arena would meet and befriend those boys was surprising.

Imagine the stories people would tell if they knew that Arena was his daughter, that she had befriended the prince. That Arena had gone against everything Robin did and believed in. He couldn't help but smile. What an adventure this must have been for Arena. If she is like me, she might want to stay with me, he thought. Have more adventures with him by her side.

Whatever happens daughter, I'll always love and respect you, thought Robin as they approached the gates. Rowan shouted at the guards to quickly open the gates and they sprung into action. Stephen, Hunter and Rowan galloped through first while Robin travelled close behind. Cederic and Roger brought up the rear.

" It's the prince, he brought back Arena", a guard shouted. Robin held onto his daughter tightly as he slowed to a stop. A servant rushed to look after his horse as he slowly got off his horse, awkwardly holding Arena.

" I'll take her", whispered Hunter as Stephen ordered a servant to fetch Ella, Eliana and Zach if he was better.

" No I'm alright, let's just get her better", grumbled Robin. Hunter frowned but didn't argue as he stepped back. He saw Ella running towards him, her brown eyes wild. Jade came next, her blonde hair tied tightly up in a messy bun and her blue eyes as dark as a storm over the ocean. Finally he saw her. Her hair like Jade's was pulled into a tight bun. She looked exhausted though and her topaz brown eyes were dull with worry and tiredness.

Eliana walked slower than the other women, restraining herself from dashing towards Robin and her daughter. Ella skidded to a stop next to Robin, quickly feeling Arena's head. " She's hot, she needs rest, water and food first", Ella whispered. Robin nodded and without another word strolled towards the castle. Ella lead the way to Arena's room, opening the door for Robin.

He gently placed her down on the soft bed, brushing her hair away from her sweaty forehead.

" Okay out, Jade, Eliana and I can look after her", whispered Ella.

" Can't we stay", Stephen asked without taking his eyes off from Arena. Robin didn't like that look on Stephen or Hunter who also stood silently watching Arena.

" No it's to crowded in here, out", hissed Ella. Eliana glanced at Robin and he understood.

" They are right, Arena is safe here, she needs rest and space", grumbled Robin. Hunter and Stephen glared at Robin but he didn't look away. Finally both boys sighed in defeat and quietly left the room. He gave Eliana a small weak smile before following the others.

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