Chapter 22 - Castle Life is ... Different

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Arena sat on the roof swinging her long legs and humming. She was perched on a small overhanging protecting her small balcony. So far castle life had been interesting, Arena thought. It was the only word for it. She hadn't been here long enough to get use to the routine but she was liking some of the people around here, excluding Hunter and Stephen, they didn't count as new, Arena thought smirking.

Her mother seemed to like it but Arena would catch her looking outside looking into the distance longingly. She sighed, she must remain strong,  she found it annoying when everyone asked if she was ok, why would you ask that! she thought grumpily. Stephen and Hunter were the best to be around but Hunter had his own duties and Stephen,  well he was in training to take over the kingdom.

She sighed and looked up at the stars longingly. Her father was among the stars looking down at her somewhere, telling her not to be sad. The night was clear and the stars shone brightly. The moon was huge and bright as Arena gazed upon it. She started to sing quietly to herself, her sweet voice filling the air. Her thoughts turned to Damon as she sang quietly to herself. He was the first to hear her sing besides Roger and her family.

She didn't like to sing much especially around people. Roger kept telling her she had an amazing voice, so musical and sweet like a bird. She thought Roger was just being kind but when Damon heard her sing that day a month ago, she realised, she knew Roger had been right.

She hated herself for breaking Damon's and her's relationship over a few nasty comments and jealousy. Of course Damon would be jealous, she had been spending all her time with Hunter and Stephen and not Damon. She missed him even though he had hurt her.

She felt that he was the most understanding, that he knew what it was like to be different. Hunter and Stephen understood too but they were use to being who they were, they knew how to act in any situation and they were surrounded by people who were similar to them most of the time. Nothing ever threw them, they always knew what to do. Damon and herself didn't. They weren't use to it, being different and being targeted.

Actually Arena had never asked about Damon's past. It was always about Arena or farm work or the future. Never about him, she couldn't remember actually talking about his past. He was a mystery up until they had met. She sighed frustrated and sad. She wish he was here to help her but she knew he was long gone probably glad to be rid of her.

She shouldn't have taken off that day, if she hadn't maybe her father would still be here, she would still be friends with Damon and her life would have been normal. No dressing up, no guards or castle. She sighed tiredly and tugged at her dark trousers. If none of this had happen she wouldn't have been with Stephen or Hunter and wouldn't have met Jade. She sighed and fingered with her locket.

It wasn't fair, why her of all people. It all started with going to get that stupid dagger and saving Stephen if she hadn't she would be safe at her unburned home, with her family, Roger and maybe Damon. She hummed quietly as she thought of all the what ifs. She was so into her own thoughts she didn't notice the knocking coming from her bedroom door.

" Arena Arena, you in there", yelled Hunter startling Arena from her thoughts.

"What, yeah I'm on the balcony, come in", yelled Arena towards her bedroom door. The door creaked open and she heard heavy footsteps coming towards her.

" Where are you", asked Hunter's deep voice.

" Up here proud hunter", smirked Arena as she watched Hunter and Stephen look around. "You guys are hopeless", she smiled flipping upside down and poking her head over the edge of the balcony overhanging.

" Well we can't climb and hide like you A", smiled Stephen stepping forward.

" Whatever just get up here you two", she smiled disappearing again to make room for the boys. The boys smiled at each other shaking their heads before following Arena.

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