Chapter 33 - Searching for Arena

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"This is pointless, interviewing people won't help us find Arena quicker, I say we try and follow their horse tracks before they're gone completely", grumbled Robin. He ran a hand through his dark brown hair and sighed. The prince, his friend Hunter who he tried to avoid as much as possible, Jade, Eliana and Cederic were all on horses heading for the city.

They were going to interview anyone who might have seen the group pass by. Hunter glanced at Arena's 'uncle' Robert with a frown. He was right, it was better to track then talk to people but Stephen thought it might help. "I agree with Robert Stephen, we'll have more luck and we're wasting time", said Hunter slowly.

Stephen glanced sideways at his friend and sighed. " I told you, the group would  have  had to have hidden within the city while they planned and watched Damon", sighed Stephen.

" We should of brought Zach, he would have been a great choice to find out information", sighed Hunter. He received a glare from Jade and he smiled at her sweetly.

" Zach is still too hurt to help for now, he needs all the rest he can get, especially if a war starts between Earlene family and the royals", grumbled Jade.

" There won't be a war, I'll make sure of it", Eliana and Stephen said at the same time.  They both smiled at each other as everyone frowned. 

" We can worry about that later, let's just focus on finding my sister, ok", grumbled Cederic. Everyone nodded and kicked their horses to pick up the pace.

The group arrived in the city all wearing hoods. Robin had swapped his green hood for a grey hood to avoid anyone believing he was Robin Hood. He didn't have his bow on his back either as that would be too obvious. He just had his sword but he felt a bit strange without his bow. None of them wanted to be recognised especially Eliana, Jade, Hunter and Stephen.

"Hunter and I will check out the main part, everyone else split up", grumbled Stephen and everyone nodded.

" Meet back here in an hour unless something happens, then at the castle", added Hunter before he and Stephen headed off deeper into the crowd of people.

Eliana silently spoke to Robin and he nodded slightly. Eliana turned her horse towards the edge of town silently and after a minute, Robin followed her.

Cederic shrugged and smiled at Jade who smiled back. " Guess we're together, lead the way", smiled Cederic gesturing with his right hand. Jade rolled her eyes and turned her horse in the direction of the slightly less busy area than the main square, the small shops of clothes and medicine. Women mainly went in this area and they were likely to know something. Cederic followed closely, his thoughts torn between Arena and his amazement of this city.

Robin followed Eliana until he was sure they were out of sight from Cederic and Jade. He urged his horse forward until he was next to Eliana. Through her hood, he could just make out her beautiful eyes and he smiled to himself. He hadn't expected to see Eliana again due to their two different worlds. She a noble and him a rogue and an outlaw.

It was silent as they rode their horses towards the edge of town, citizens moving to the side as the horses trotted down the middle of the dirt road.

" How have you been since I last saw you", Robin asked. Eliana smiled from within her hood and turned to stare at Robin.

" Good, my father has been teaching me how to run the family and eventually take over", said Eliana.

" Really, I thought your father would get your younger brother to take over", frowned Robin. He had been hoping that after all this was sorted and Arena knew who she was, they could be together as a family. Eliana wouldn't have to worry about her family if she ran away with him. Robin tried to hide his disappointment from Eliana but she saw it.

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