Chapter 7- Word travels fast

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"Why did I save him, its caused nothing but trouble", growled Arena as she hacked away at the dummy. It had been only a week since the incident at the village where she had saved the prince, Hunter and all those men. She kept thinking about the men she had killed, wondering if they were forced to do what they did and if so who was the one pulling the strings?

Her father was angry at  her for actually fighting but pleased she saved the prince's life. I can never please anyone with what I do, I just end up hurting people she thought.  She was angry at herself too, when it was time to say goodbye to Hunter and Stephen after she had arrived back at her home, she managed to both anger the two boys and intensify their curiosity and interest in her. Stephen had promised that they both would come back to hang out.

As if either of them would have the time to come back, she growled to herself. With a final swing she cut the dummy's head off in her fit of rage. She had insulted the two boys by actually voicing the unfairness of the system and teasing them that a girl saved their arses. I wouldn't be surprised if they came back to arrest me or for Stephen to allow Hunter to shoot me. It wasn't Stephen's fault about how things were runned, he wasn't King yet, she thought. And  it's Hunter's job to protect the prince as their best friends.

I always seem to infuriate people even if I don't mean to, I don't understand where I get my attitude from, she grumbled to herself. I'm not like father always willing to help and show kindness, I'm not like mother by always showing compassion she thought, sighing.

Word speard quickly of the incident and people had been coming and going, trying to see Arena. Roger was getting the same treatment but he was famous now, even if he didn't do much she thought bitterly. All the attention had kept Roger away and Arena was going insane being cooped up, avoiding all the stares. Her mother said it would die down but Arena wasn't so sure. It had only been a week but practically the whole country knew. The first glimpse of what her actions had caused was a news article in the paper that her father got if they had money and time to spear to read it.

She had been in her room,  reading as it had been raining and she couldn't go outside to shoot or hunt or sword practice. Without warning, her father burst in waving the paper madly in the air. "Arena Dawson, look what you have dragged yourself into, you are the gossip of the entire country!", shouted her father, his blue eyes wide and angry.

Arena glanced up and glared at her father as he glared at her. "Read it", he hissed slamming the paper on her small bed. Arena sighed and picked up the paper and stared at the front page. It was a drawing of the prince and next to him was a drawing of her with her bow aiming at one of the men.

"How did they draw this, no one was drawing or anything", whispered Arena shocked.

"Just read it child", Nicholas whispered as he watched his foster daughter closely. She frowned as she began to read the small fine print underneath Stephen's and her's pictures.

A shocking event happened to England a few days ago which would have resulted in chaos and remorse if  it weren't for one beautiful, young and brave lady. Arena Dawson,  daughter to an excellent farmer Nicholas Dawson and his beautiful wife Ella, saved heir to the throne Stephen Audric. Our beloved prince was touring the kingdom as part of his training to become king, when he and his soldiers were attacked by a group of assassins and thieves.

The small village was shocked and startled when the attack began and could do nothing incase Stephen was harmed. Our young heroin and her friend, came to the rescue. Arena had a bow and sheath of arrows that her father had given her when she was younger. She had been practicing incase she needed to protect herself and her family. That day came and she bravely killed the men with perfect aim that rivaled the royal archer Hunter Brantley and Robin Hood.

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