The Voicemail

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Chapter 2
Finn pov :
"Finn. " The brunette said shocked to see me . I smiled ,"Hi Rachel. " I said. She looked at me speechless to see me . "Suprise!" Kurt said to supress the tention in the room . 20 minutes later we were outside walking silently when Rachel finally spoke up and said , "So Finn, how was your summer?" She asked me. "It was good , and you how was New York?" I asked her . "It was great but I missed Lima . " She told me. It was awkward for a moment but then Rachel and I said , "Rachel," "Finn," "Look. " we said at the same time. "Sorry." We both said. "Go ahead . " We both said again . We chuckled and then I said , "About the voicemail. " "Finn there's something I need to tell you . " She said. "Oh what is it ? " I asked. "Finn theres no easy way to say this . " She told me . "Rachel just tell me I can handle it . " I told him. "You know what why don't you go first . " She said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yeah it can wait . " She told me. "Okay so about the voicemail. " I said. "I thought it was amazing . " She said. "You did?" I said in disbelief. "Yes of course I did but theres something you should know. " She said. "What?" I asked. "During the summer I met someone. " She told me. It felt like I was being stabbed in the heart . "Who?" I asked her. "Jessie St.James. " She told me. "The guy from Vocal Adrenaline? " I asked. "Yeah he was in New York looking at colleges and we ran into eachother . " She said. "Wow well thats great. " I said dissapointed. "Finn please don't be mad. " She said. "I'm not mad . " I said. "I just thought maybe you wanted me to move on I mean you didn't call me . " She said . "I just wanted to give you your space I didn't think you date another guy though. " I said upset. "Well I didn't expect to either . " I said. "Than why did you?" I asked her. "Because I just needed something new Finn I needed to be with someone . " She said. "Rachel I waited all summer for you to come back!" I yelled. "I'm sorry okay Finn but I thought you moved on when you didn't call. " She said . "Well you didn't call either Rachel. " I said. "I tried Finn but what was I supposed to say huh? " She asked. "You know what just forget it okay." I said angrily. "Fine!" She yelled. "Fine!" I yelled and then we went out separate ways .

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