Cue the Rain

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Chapter 8
Finns pov :
I walked up to Ana's house with Ana as we stood at the door . "So. " I said. "So. " She said. I smiled, "I had a great time tonight. " I told her. "Finn? " She said. "Yeah?" I asked. "I know you still have feelings for Rachel. " She said. "What pshhhh.... I do not. " I said completely lying . She chuckled and said, "Finn its okay you don't have to pretend like you don't I'm okay. " She said. I sighed , "Was it that obvious? " I asked. "Yeah I saw the way you looked at her. " She told me. I sighed and sat on the porch with her. "I'm sorry Ana , I really like you its just Rachel and I have this connection like no other when I'm with her I have this amazing feeling , I get butterflies and my heart just melts. She's like this big star and for some reason she chose to let me love her or at least she did. " I said putting my head down . "Can I say something? " She asked . "Of course. " I said. "Get your head out of your ass and open your eyes . Rachel is in love with you. "I'm sorry. " I said. "Finn I saw the way she looks at you and the way she talked about you tonight before the date she is still in love with you. " She told me. "Then why is she with Jessie?" I asked her. "Because she's hurt Finn, she needs you in her life because without you she's nothing. She knows everything about you and the way she looks at you and talks about you , you can see it in her eyes she loves you. " She told me. I smirked , "So how do I get her back?" I asked. "Go to her sweep her off her feet and tell her you love her." She told me . I smiled and we got up. "Thank you Ana , your a great girl and you'll find someone. " I told her. "Thanks , now go get her. " She told me and I left .

Rachels pov :
I was getting ready for bed and it was pour out when the door bell rang . I opened the door and to my surprise it was Finn soaking wet . "Finn what are you .... " He then interrupted me , "I love you Rachel Berry I always have and I know your with Jessie but I don't give a damn because you see Rachel it doesn't matter who your with I love you and only you no one no matter who they are can or will change that, and I honestly don't give a damn whether your with that curly haired - dancing and singing Hugh Jackman or whatever his name is because you are my girlfriend and will always be . We are Finchel , not just Finn and not just Rachel but Finchel because we are together and no matter who you or I are with we will always be finchel and you will always be my girlfriend. You know that and I know that end of story. " He said. I stood there and said , "Is that it?" I asked. "Thats it. " He told me. My heart was shaken and I stood there speechless. "Its late I think you should go. " I told him. He sighed and said , "Goodnight. " and then started to walk away . I closed the door and stood there for a moment suddenly before I knew it I put on my shoes and jacket quickly opened the door and ran after him . He was half down the street when I yelled , "FINN!" He turned around and stopped. I smiled and ran into his arms . He picked me up and kissed me passionatley as the rain poured down on us . I smiled and said , "I love you. " He smiled as I held his wet neck and said , "I know I love you too. "

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