Opening Night part 1

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Chapter 24
( 9 months later )
Rachels pov :
Tonights the night . Its the opening night for Funny Girl and I'm so nervous. I was in my dressing room when there was a knock on the door . I opened the door to see my dad , "Dad!" I said happily and gave him a hug . "Here these are for you." He said and handed me roses. "Thank you there beautiful. " I said. "So are you ready?" He asked me. "Yes , no .... I'm really nervous. " I said. "Don't worry I know you'll be great your a star." He said. "Thank you." I said. "So wheres Grant?" He asked me. "Um he's not coming he has to work late ." I told him. "He couldn't get off ?" He asked. "You know him his work is important." I said. "Yeah I know but your his fiancé. " He said. "Dad its okay he'll come to the next one ." I said. "I know." He said. "So are mom and Daniel here ?" I asked him. "No Danny is sick but I did bring some people." He said. "Like who?" I asked him. He smiled, "Come on in guys." He said and then Quinn , Sam , Emma, Kurt, and Finn walked in. "Omg you guys ." I said and then gave them each a hug . "We came to wish you good luck Auntie Rachie." Emma said. I smiled and gave her a hug. "Thank you sweetheart, I can't believe you guys are here. " I said. "Did you really think we miss you star in your first broadway show? " Kurt said. "Well I'm glad you're here." I said. The lights flickered which meant it was time for the show to start . "Well we better go get our seats." Sam said. "Yeah I'll see you guys after the show. " I said . "Good luck diva ." Quinn said and gave me a hug. "I'll catch up with you guys in a second. " Finn said and they all left. "So are you nervous?" He asked me . "Definitely." I said. "Well don't be I know you'll do great." He told me . "How do you know?" I asked him. "Because you're a star Rachel you've always been. " He told me. I smiled, "Thank you." I said. "So wheres Grant?" He asked me. "He had to work. " I told him. He rolled his eyes , "Rachel why are you even with him?" He asked me. "What?" I said. "Why are you with him ? He doesn't love you and I know you don't love him." Finn said . "How do you know that?" I said. "Because you love me you always have ." He told me. "Finn I can't do this now I have to perform." I said. I was about to leave when he grabbed my hand pulled me closer to him and our eyes connected , "Tell me that you don't love me , tell me that and I'll leave and I'll never ask you again. " He said. My heart was pumpinh so loud I could hear it . "I....I have to go." I said and left.

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