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Chapter 7
( 2 months later )
Finns pov :
Its been 2 months since Ana has came to McKinley and I've gotten to know her and I really think I'm starting to like her . I think I'm going to ask her out on a date tonight. I kinda feel bad though , I mean she's Rachels friend after all so I think I should ask Rachel if its okay . I was at my locker when I saw Rachel at hers she was with Jesse and then once he left I went over. "Hey. " I said . She looked suprised to see I was talking to her , "Hi. " She said. "Look I know that your with Jessie and everything but I just wanted to ask if it was okay that I ask Ana out . " I said. She paused for a moment then said, "Yeah its fine. Like you said I'm with Jessie so why shouldn't you be happy. " She said . "Okay so your fine if I ask her out?" I asked her reasurring . "Yes I'm fine with it , in fact , why don't we all go out you , Ana , Jessie and I?" She said. "Okay that be fun. " I said. "Okay how about tonight at 8 breadsticks you and Jessie can pick us up at my house . " She said . "Okay that be great . " I said. "Okay see you then. " She said and left .

Rachels pov :
"So how do I look?" Ana asked me . "Amazing. " I said as she twirled in her purple dress . "What about me how do I look?" I asked in my pink dress. "Magnificent. " She excalmed. "Thank you. " I said. "So . " She said. "So." I said. "Is there anything I should know about Finn?" She asked me. I smirked and said , "Well he loves to talk about cars, his favorite movie is Avengers 1 and 2, he loves 80s music, particularly his favorite band is Journey, his favorite color is blue, he loves to play video games , he loves playing the drums and he's the highschool quarterback. " I told her. "Wow you know a lot about him. " She said suprised. "Well we did date. " I said. "Yeah about that are you okay with me going out with him ? " She asked me . I paused for moment , No of course not I still love him I wanted to say but instead I said , "Of course I am , you two make a perfect couple. " I told her. No you two make the perfect couple. I thought . Suddenly the door bell rang. "Thats the boys. " I said . "I'll get it. " She said and went down stairs . I started to panic. What is this feeling I can't be jealous I mean I'm dating Jessie now not Finn. I told myself. Get it together Berry . I told myself and grabbed my purse and went down stairs .

Finn pov :
I was waiting down stairs when I saw Rachel she looked beautiful as always. It felt like in that moment I had seen an angel . I know I was supposed to be with Ana but I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. "Hey guys. " She said and I snapped out of it. "Hey beautiful. " Jessie said and kissed her passionatly. "So are we already to go?" I asked them . "Yeah come on. " Ana said and grabbed my hand .

Rachels pov :
Its been 30 minutes since we've been at Breadsticks and it couldn't be more awkward. "So." Jessie said. "So." I said. "So . " Finn said. "So." Ana said. "Finn where do you think you'll go to college ?" Jessie asked him. "Well I was thinking UCLA but I think I might end up going to Ohio State. " He said. "What about you Jessie?" Finn asked him. "Well I am going to NYU. " He told him. "Impressive. " Finn said . "Yeah and Rachels going with me right babe?" He said. "Well um actually I'm still deciding between , "NYU, NYADA, and Yale. " I said . "Wow you got into Yale?" Ana said . "Yeah on a scholarship but you know it's still kind of pricey. " I said. "Well what ever you decide it'll be great . " She said. "Thanks. " We were all silent for a moment and then Jessie's phone rang. "Oh sorry guys I'll be right back." He said and went out side . "I actually be right back too . " Ana said and left. It was now just me and Finn. "So. " He said. "So. " I said. "You look great . " He said. I blushed , "Thanks." I told him. "Rachel," He said. "Yeah Finn? " I asked. "You really look gorgeous tonight. " He said. I smiled and then Jessie and Ana came back.

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