The Suprise

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Chapter 21
(Friday )
Rachels pov :
I was getting ready for the Christmas party when Finn came into the choir room. "Hey." He said. I smiled and hugged him , "Hey its so good to see you how are you ? " I asked him. "I'm good Merry Christmas. " He said . "Thank you and same goes to you. " He said. "So what have you been up to? " He asked me. "Well after graduation I went to New York City and now I'm the lead in a musical called a Funny Girl!"I said excitedly. He lit up with excitement, "Oh my god Rachel I'm so proud of you!" He told me and hugged me tightly. For a moment I didn't want him to let go but he did . "Thanks but its a suprise so don't tell any okay." I said. "You've got it. " He said. "So what about you?" I asked him. "Well I...." I was interrupted by a squeal "Rachel!!!" Quinn exclaimed happy. "Eppppp! Quinny!" Rachel squealed and hugged Quinn. "How are you and where is that boyfriend of yours ?" She asked me. "He'll be here soon and I'm great but more importantly where is that little girl and husband of yours ?" I asked her. "Sam and Emma will be right in. " She said. "Did Sam bring the Santana costume?" I asked her. "Yeah Can you and Finn dress up as Mr. and Mrs.Clause?" She asked me. "Of course." I said. "Auntie Rachel! " Emma yelled in the cutest voice I have ever heard. "Is that you Emma?" I asked acting suprised . "Of course its me silly!" The blonde haired blue eyed girl said . "No way , my Emma is only a little girl you're a big girl !" I said joking with her. "I swear its me Auntie Rachel!" She said jumping up and down. "It is you isn't it!" I said acting suprised. I picked her up and said , "Oh how I missed you! " I said spinning her around . "Hi Rachel." Sam said. "Hi Sam I missed you." I said and gave him a hug . "Auntie Rachel are you going to sing tonight?" She asked me. "Maybe." I said. "Whats up Mercedes in the house!" Mercedes said. I smiled and gave her a hug . 20 minutes later everyone from the old glee kids to the new glee kids were there. I smiled and said , "Alright of everyone dinner is ready. " "Your not going to start without me ?" Someone said . I looked and smiled, "Grant!" I said. I quickly walked over to him and kissed him passionatly . "Hello everyone , Merry Christmas. " He said in his british accent . He then smiled at me and said, "Hello beautiful." I smiled and we sat down . "Rachel care to introduce us to this fine peice of British ass." Santana said . "Language!" Quinn said covering Emmas ears. I chuckled, "Everyone this my boyfriend Grant." I said. "Hi Grant!" Everyone said . "Hello everyone." He said and sat down . "Grant this is Quinn , Sam, Emma, Artie , Tina , Mercedes, Puck , Santana, Kurt, Brittney, Blaine , My step mom Emma , My dad Will, my brother Danny, Mike , Sugar, Marley , Jake , Ryder , Unique, and Finn. " I said. "Nice to meet you all and its great to see you again Mr.Shuester. " Grant said. "Same to you Grant now lets eat !" He said and we all ate. During dinner Finn said ,"So Grant how did you meet Rachel?" He asked him . "Well its a funny story. " He said. "We were at a party at Yale and Rachels friend was a little tipsy so I being a gentleman helped Rachel walked her friend home. Then as we were walking I got to know Rachel and it was love at first sight." He said holding my hand . "Awwww...." All the girls said . "And then her friend got sick and threw up on my shoes." He added and there was a chuckle. "We've been together ever since." I said. "What do you do for a living ? " Finn asked. "I'm a lawyer. " He told Finn. "Huh funny never imagined Rachel to be the type to date a lawyer ." Finn said slyly . "And what do you do for a living?" Grant said with said with an attitude . "Okay I have some news." I said trying to change the subject. "Well remember that musical I tried out for ." I said. "Funny Girl its all you've been talking about for the past 7 months. " Kurt said. "Well lets just say you're looking at your new Fanny Brice! " I said. They all cheered and gave me hugs. "Well since we're making announcements Tina and I have some news." Artie said . "We're getting married !" Tina said. "Ahhhh." All the girls said and we hugged her . "Anymore good news ?" My dad said . "Actually I have something I would like to ask Rachel." Grant said. "Whats that?" I asked him. "Take a seat." He told me and I sat down . He then said , "Rachel I have known you for 3 years and they have been the best 3 years of my life and I love you with all my heart you make my world go round so Rachel Berry - Shuester...." He then took out a little black box and opened it , "Will you marry me?"

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