Chapter 23

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Zacky's POV 

We got tired of sitting there at Johnny's and decided to get out on the town instead. We ended up on some nightclub where the music was bad and too loud. We went to the bar and ordered a beer each and then made our way to the booths to see if there was any free one. 

"Hey isn't that Charlie?" Johnny asked and pointed on a booth where a girl and two guys sat.

"It is", Syn said. "What the fuck is she doing here?" 

"Well I don't know but something about that whole thing looks weird", I said and scratched my neck. 

One of the guys laid up something on the table in front of Charlie, something white… was that a line of cocaine? 

"Fuck no", I said and ran over there. 

I took my hands around Charlie's waist and threw her over my shoulder before she could do anything she would regret later. Syn and Johnny had also seen what was going on and had ran after me.

"What the fuck are  you doing?" one of the guys said to me.

"Shut up asshole and get the fuck away from Charlie", Syn said and hit the guy in the face as I carried a struggling Charlie out of the club.

"Let me down!" she screamed over and over again and kicked with her legs but I didn't put her down until I sat her in my car. I closed the door and stood in front of it so she couldn't get out. She tried to get out a while until she fell asleep. 

"What the fuck are we going to do with her?" Johnny asked.

"I'll take her back to mine", I said. "I don't trust her alone."

"You think she took anything before we came?" Syn asked worried.

"I have no idea… I can't even think that she would do anything like this again", I said.

"Sorrow and alcohol is the perfect mix for bad decisions", Johnny said. 

Then came a group of protesters and started to shout at us. Stuff about Charlie. Really mean shit. 

"We'll talk tomorrow, I should get her out of here", I said.

"Call if there is anything", Syn said and him and Johnny walked towards Syn's car. 

I drove home and Charlie slept the whole way. I carried her inside and laid her down on the couch just as she woke up. 

She looked around in the room to see where she was, saw me, sat up and started to walk towards the door.

"Hey hey hey where are you going?" I asked and took her arm so she couldn't go. 

"Away from you, let go of me", she said angrily. 

"You're not going anywhere Charlie", I said.

"You can't decide that for me!" she said. "Let go of me now Zack." 

"No I won't", I said. "We have to talk about this Charlie."

"I never want to talk to you ever again, any of you. I fucking hate you Zacky", she said.

I knew that most people didn't mean that they hated someone when they said it but it sounded so real when she said it. I was so surprised by her words that I let go off her arm and she ran out.

What the fuck had we done? Not only had we lost Jimmy but now we had really lost Charlie too. Oh how I just wished that I could turn back time and make everything undone.

Charlie's POV

Oh how I overreacted. I really regretted that I said that I hated Zacky. I didn't. I could never hate any of the guys. They were too important to me but I just didn't know how I was going to be able to ever see any of them ever again after everything that had happened. 

But after all, they had just tried saved me from really messing everything up. I didn't know what the hell I was thinking when I let those guys lay up a line for me. Though the guys had been too late and we had already done some coke when they came. And right now I didn't care at all. I felt like I was on the top of the world, I felt really fucking alive again. Oh how I had missed that feeling. 

I was walking on my way home from Zacky, or just walking away, I didn't really have a destination. Well until Syn and Johnny drove up next to me on the street.

"Charlie get in to the car", Johnny said.

"Nope", I said and kept on walking. 

"We're gonna make you if you don't", he said.

"Well you can always try."

The next thing I knew sat I in the backseat with Johnny next to me, holding around my wrist so that I couldn't get out of the car and Syn drove towards my house.

Johnny finally let go of my wrist when we arrived to my house and I quickly got out of the car. The guys walked after me up to my house. 

"You're not getting in", I said to them when we stood outside the door. 

"Yes we are Charlie, we have to talk", Syn said. 

"Nono", I protested and started to search for the key to the house in my purse. 

"Charlie, look at me", Johnny said. 

"What?" I asked and looked up on him. 

He just stood there and looked into my eyes for a few seconds. uhoh. 

"You're fucking stoned", he said. 

"What? No", I said and looked down again. 

"You are! Damn it Charlie…" he sighed.

"I'm sorry", I said and looked on him again.

"What the fuck are we going to do Syn?" Johnny asked.

"We just gotta make sure she doesn't take anything more", he said and shrugged his shoulders. 

That night and the next day was a pure hell. Once I was off my trip I just wanted more. Syn and Johnny stopped me every time I tried to get out of the house. They never let go of me with their eyes. I begged them for hours to let me go but they never let me. Then I started to feel nauseas and started to sweat like crazy. 

The guys just sat there in the couch and did nothing while I felt like I was dying. 

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