Chapter 15

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"Can we get a new support band now?" I asked Peter as he walked on the bus. 

The guys was doing the meet and greet but I really didn't feel like going after what just happened. 

"Tomas and his band are on their way back to Sweden now", he said and totally ignored my question. "How are you?" 

"I'm good, can we get a new support band now?" I asked again.

"Do you have any suggestions?" he asked. 

"Actually, I do", I said and smiled big. 

"Who?" he asked. 

"Avenged Sevenfold." 

"Jimmy's band?" 

"Yep. They're not on tour so they can probably be here as fast as possible and they'll be totally stoked."

"And you get to see Jimmy again", he said and grinned. 

"Well yeah, he's my best friend", I said.

"You totally have a crush on him", he said. 

"It can't be that obvious!" I said. 

"You're the most obvious person I know", he said. 

"Fuck you", I smiled.

"Call Jimmy now", he said and went off the bus.

I smiled big and called Jimmy. 

"Hello?" it was Zacky.

"Yeah you answered the wrong phone. This one belongs to Jimmy", I said.

"Jimmy is playing ninja right now and is failing badly so you'll have to talk to me", he said. "What do you want?"

"I want you guys to take the first flight possible to Germany", I said. 

"Who is dying? Germany is really far away if you didn't know that" he said.

"We need a new support band and I want you guys", I explained. 

"See you tomorrow", he said and hung up. 

I smiled and put down the phone in my pocket again. I would see Jimmy tomorrow. This time I had to tell him how I felt about him. I had to know if he really felt the same about me and the only way to do that was to tell him how I felt. 

I stood and waited on the airport in Berlin. The guys would come any minute now. The day had gone so slow as I had waited for them to come. 

"They won't come any faster just because you walk around all the time", William said when I started to walk in circles around him.

"Sorry", I said and stood next to him. "By the way, I never thanked you yesterday for what you did so thank you."

"It's cool Charles, I couldn't let him do that unpunished", he said. 

"Still, thank you." 

"Let's not talk about this now because they're coming now", he said.

There they walked all… ten of them. There was the guys, the Berry twins, Dan, Val and Michelle. 

"Charlie!" Jimmy exclaimed when he saw me and dropped his baggage and started to run towards me. 

"Jimmy!" I said back and hugged him when he reached me. 

"I've missed you this past… week", he chuckled.

"I've missed you too Jimbo", I smiled. 

"Hey Rev! Your bag!" Johnny shouted.

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