Chapter 2

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I arrived to my moms aunts house. I sighed and walked towards the door. I knocked on the door and after just a second opened it. There on the other side stood Patricia. 

"Charlie, how wonderful that you're here", she said and tried to act like she really wanted me to be here but I knew she didn't. She only let me live there because she loved my mom…

"Hi Patricia", I said and walked in through the door. 

"Your room will be at the end of the corridor upstairs", she said and pointed towards the stairs. 

"Okay", I said and made my way over to the stairs with two of my bags in my hands. 

The room was plain white and boring. It only had a bed and a closet. 

Patricia walked into the room when I was unpacking my bag. Not even knocked. "I have some rules if you're going to live in this house", she said.

"Okay", I said and kept on unpacking.

"You're not allowed to be out after nine pm, there will be no drinking or smoking, no music-playing, no skipping classes in school."

I interrupted her. "School?" I asked and raised a eyebrow.

"Yes, you will start Huntington Beach High School tomorrow", she said. 

"Why?" I asked.

"Because your lack of education is starting to show", she snapped. "And last rule, you're not allowed to be friends or even talk to James Sullivan and his friends." 

"Who is that?" I asked.

"He is the wildest kid you ever can imagine", she said. 

"Uhm okay", I said.

She walked out and slammed the door shut after her.

I knew that this would be my own little personal hell. But I also knew that this was exactly what I needed to get my life on tracks again. 

I was exhausted from the long trip all the way from Sweden to California and decided to go to bed. I washed off all the make-up from my face and brushed my long bloodred hair before I went to bed. 

Patricia woke me up early the next morning. It wasn't early for me though, it was in the middle of the day back home in Sweden and I was still on that time. 

I got dressed in a black tank top, black skinny jeans and Iron Fist heels; the green ones with zombies on. I did my hair and make-up and then walked downstairs. 

Patricia had already left for work by the time I left the house. I drove my beautiful red Cadillac Eldorado Brougham to school. It was my baby and I had shipped it over from Sweden. Asking Alexandria blasted through the speakers on way to loud volume. I lightened a cigarette in the car. Yeah, Patricia told me that I wasn't allowed to smoke but hey, an addiction is an addiction. 

Three of my guitars laid in the backseat. Patricia had also told me that I wasn't allowed to play music so I would just leave them in the car or she would probably take them away from me. I didn't spent 4000 dollars on guitars for nothing. 

I parked at the schools parking lot and turned off the engine. I put on some more red lipstick on my lips before I got out of the car and started to walk towards the school. Huntington Beach High School, was that its name?

I walked in and then just stopped. Where the fuck would I go? This place was huge. I looked around for some sign or something to the office but didn't find any.  A blonde girl walked up to me. "Hi, you seem kinda lost. New?" she asked.

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