Chapter 16

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OMG thanks a lot for 1K readers <3 love you guys. it means a lot to me <3

please continue to read my book <3

thanks again <3 

sorry for the long wait, but being on vacation in the USA 


From Niall

Hey love, sorry for not replying I was in the middle of a concert. Haha. Yes, Liam is fine a bit sad but he smiled with what you said about Helena. I'm grand too love. Why wouldn't I? I have an amazing girlfriend who cares about me <3 Why shouldn't you bee there the hole time with me? I want to spend time with you love. You can come the 26th and come with me on tour until you start school? Therefore, I can see you when I know you're just at home alone. Well that is not a question so you just have to be with me. Mohaha.

Night love <3 see you soon.


He is the cutest thing ever. I replied with and OK love and a goodnight. See nothing to worry about. You can always talk to him he's always there for me, remember that. I finally fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up to my phone calling. At first, I thought it was just my imagination but soon realized it was my phone. I sat up quickly and reached for my phone.

"Hello?" I said in a sleepy voice.

"You're gonna die and that's very soon"

"What?" that's all I could say before the person ended the call. What was that? To be honest that was creepy... I bet he got the wrong number or he is on drugs, or sick... well he could be many things.

I just forgot about everything that happened and got out of bed. I walked down stairs to make some breakfast. I took a bowl out of the cabinet and putted some cereal into it with some milk. I sat down but the sofa and turned on the TV. Hm... There aren't much to watch... I finished my food, washed up, and walked over to my desk.

I turned on my iMac and started working. Hm... What will my new collection look like? Maybe I could use some of the photos I took in Barcelona to get some inspiration. I opened my folder where all my photos were. I looked at all of them and got my inspiration. First, I started to sketch out something, and then made them official. When I was done with everything, I posted them on my blog and that was it, for now.

I took my sketches and putted them in my folder on the side of my iMac, under my to do list. I looked at the time and found out that it was dinnertime already. Well that went by fast. I walked over to the kitchen and opened my fridge to find nothing to eat. What? When did this happen? Well I just have to go out and get some food then.

I got my wallet, locked the house, and walked over to the bus stop. When I got to town, I got off. Walking into the mall, I saw some puppies that were up for sale. Aww they were the cutest. I got down and said hi to them. I saw one pup in the corner who weren't like the others. I got up, walked over to it, and sat down. It looked at me and its tale started to go. I had the biggest smile om my face.

"Hey there. Are you looking to adopt one?"

"Haha, I don't know, haven't really thought about it."

"Well you are the first person to go over to this fellow." He told me.

"Hey I'm just going to get some foods and I'll be back for this one. Ok?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll get everything ready for you, even this one too." He said and picked up my new roommate.

I hurried up and bough food for my Gucci and me. That's what I'm going to call him. I walked over to the shop I were in first and saw him standing in a cage and waited for me.

"Hey" I said

"Hey again." He said and smiled. "so you only need to sign this and pay 2000Kr and give him a name, then he's all yours."

I signed and gave him the money. I looked at my guy and smiled.

"Hey Gucci, I'm your mom. Are you ready to come home with me?" he responded with a small bark. "Thank you sir. Bye" I said and walked over to the bus stop. When I got home, I opened the cage and let Gucci go out. The first thing he did was run around and sniffing around. I took the groceries out and Gucci's food away. I got out to bowls, one where I filled water in and one where I putted some food for him. I turned around and saw him sitting behind me.

"Hey there my little baby boy, do you want some food?" he still sat there giving me no responds. "What about going for a walk?" and he was off and took a spin on the floor. "A walk it is."

We walked a long walk so he could get to know this area. I just closed the door behind us and the phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey love." It was Niall

"Omg Niall I have to tell you something, it's the cutes thing ever!" I said and skipped over to the sofa.

"OK, go on then. Haha."

"I got a dog, a Papillon. His name is Gucci. Do you want me to send you a picture of him to you?"

"Omg yes, aw that cute. I can't wait to meet him. Maybe you can take him with you to Ireland. That's only if you want."

"Yes I will. I kinda have to. He can't be home alone without his mom." I said. Niall and I talked for hours until it was late at night. We said our bye and hanged up.

I walked Gucci one more time so he wouldn't pee in my bed. When we got he started to run around and having fun. I took out my phone and filmed him. I posed it on twitter and Instagram.

"C'mon Gucci lets go to sleep." I said and walked over to the stairs. He came running over and I started walking up the stairs when I heard a bark. I turned around and looked at Gucci. I laughed and walked down to him.

He was too little to get up the stairs. I lifted him up and took him to my room. I closed the door so he wouldn't try walking down the stairs at night and hurt himself. I sat him down and I started to get ready for bed and walked over to him to get him into my bed.

"Gucci, please stay in bed and don't try to jump down. Or else you will hurt yourself." In case he tried to jump down, I had covered the floor around my bed with pillows and covers just in case.

"Good night Gucci." I said and kissed him on his head and he licked my face in response. I laughed and laid down. He came crawling up to me and laid down in the middle of my pillow and the empty one beside me.


I'm so sorry for not posting this chapter before now. Apparently my summer was full so I had no chance to write, but its here now. 

Hope you guys like it <3

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Next chapter will be out in 20 days maximum. Sorry for the long wait guys. 

Thanks again for so many readers it means a lot to me <3 

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