Is It Me? (Niall Horan)

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Hey I'm writing my first story. Yay. I don't know what to start with but please don't say anything bad about this story, since I'm new at this. Well..... Hope you guys will like this story

I'm sorry if I'll have some words misspelled.

Well..I'm done talking and will let u guys read my story

Please like, comment and subscribe. Love Xx


Chapter 1.

Kris p.o.v

"WE ARE GOING TO BARCELONA!!!!" My friend Helena shouts in my ear.

"What?" I asked.

"We are going to Barcelona? Didn't I just say so?" she asked

"Well yeah you did. But why? not that I don't want to... but why?"

"You will find out tomorrow. At the airport." Helena smiled at me. What's going on...?

"Just pack some summer clothes. Ok? be ready by 3am" she said skipping her way out of my house.

Ok well this is weird. I don't know what's happening. And 3AM!! THATS TOO EARLY FOR ME...

I walked up the stairs. Found my suitcase and pulled it out in front of my closet.

Hmm. What should I bring...?

I got my favorite denim shorts out and some t-shirts and a few nice dresses for the evenings. I also packed my bikini. Never know. It's Barcelona. It's gonna be a pool at the hotel.

When I was done packing my stuff the time was 5:30 and my parents should be home any minute now.

"Honey, we're home" mom shouts from downstairs.

"Ok" I said continuing with watching tv. After an hour my mom shouts again.

"Kris, can you come down here for a second?" I turned of the tv and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Yes?" I asked

"Did Helena come over?"


"Aren't you exited? I'm so happy you guys are going to see..." my mom was stopped by my dad. "Don't spoil it. It's a surprise"

"Yea I forgot. Well I'm ordering pizza. An when you are done eating. Your going to bed. A long day tomorrow" my mom winked at me.

Who am I gonna see!? I hate when people start saying something, then just stop. Once I hit a person cuz he didn't want to continue saying what he said. I hate it!

After we ate. I went to get ready for bed. I didn't sleep that much that night. I was thinking wild dreams. Like I couldn't stop. That's what I'm saying. I'll go crazy if you do that to me.

.............. At the airport...........

"Ok do you have all your things? your passport? your phone? money?" hm mom always get stressed when we travel but I don't know why she is now?

"I have everything mom. Don't worry. Text you when we're there. love you. Love you too daddy" I hugged both my parents and skipped over to my friend Helena who is waiting for my at the security.

"Are you ready??!! I'm so excised and I will tell you why we are going there but that's after we're there. Hahah."

"Your mean... why can't you tell me? I have no idea why and I just wanna know. Please." I put on my best puppy eye look hoping it will change her mind.

"Not working. Now c'mon we will be late for the flight."

as we both walked towards our gate for boading, something caught my eye.

"OMG, OMG i have to have this" i hold up a magazine " it got One Direction posters and news. this is 'amazayn'" i winked to Helena.

"Wow. Your weird. But it's ok. I get it. They are hot."

"I know. And they are cute, adorable, handsome..."

"OK!! THATS ENOUGH." laugh at me. I should be a comedian, I always make her laugh when I talk about them. Or maybe I'm just weird....

" Ok well I will go and pay for this one. Hihi." I told Helena while walking toward the cashier.

As I stood in line I saw something I never thought I would see here in Norway. It was 3 pay for 2. So I ended up buying 6. I love those chips. I can't help it. It's my kryptonite. I paid for the magazine and the 6 bags of chips. And walked out with a big smile in my face.

"See what I got Helena. I bought 6. I have everything I need for my ride up in the air." I said with and dramatically tone. With some gestures.

" Isn't that maybe too much?"

"No never. It's never too much of this wonderful thing."

"If you say so."

"Can people that are going to Barcelona please go to get 42. We are boarding. Thanks." The lady said in the speakers.

" We are going to Barcelona. And I have my favorite chips as well. This can't get any better then this! can it?" I asked skipping towards the gate.

"We hope so." Helena mumbled.


"No. Nothing. Nothing I'll tell you later. c'mon let's go"

.....................On the plane..................

"Can I have some of your chips?" Helena asked me

"Wha..... When do you want to have this? it's so bad." I don't like shearing my food.

"C'mon. Give me just a handful? you have 5 other bags."


"Yay. Thanks love."

"Ye ye sure. You should be happy I gave it to you." I said.

"Yes I know." She said digging into my bag. We talked for an hour before we both got got really tired. I plugged in my earphones into my phone and putted on some one direction music. Of course. Haha.


Tnx a lot for reding I love writing. But never got it out here. But I starting now.

I will update as soon as possible. But I have to say that I have exams. But I will try my best to update before this week is over

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