Chapter 7

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Liam p.o.v

I really wanted to ask Helena out... But I was just to scared to do it. I don't know if she feels the same about me. Or if she sees me... I dot wanna go into a trap or something. Should I just go for it? I don't know what to do...

I was awake the hole night. Maybe getting two hours of sleep maximum. I couldn't stop thinking about her. She was always on my mind. Should I just go for it?

I am. I'm gonna send signals. Hopefully she will get it.

I walked out of my room and saw Niall and Kris on the sofa. All cuddled up. It's cute. I want that to be me and Helena. Stop it Liam. It's not gonna happen. She will never look at you that way.

I made my self a sandwich and sad on the kitchen counter an ate. I wonder how it would be to fly. Looking down and seeing the world. That would be amazing.

Helena's p.o.v

I love to just wake up in the mornings and take a nice hot shower. It relaxes me. And makes me look fresh for the day. I have to listen to music while I take my showers. I don't know what I would do without it. I always sing the songs. Top of my lungs. But I was scared now. Knowing I'm not alone. The hole hotel would hear me.

After the shower I got dressed in a nice summer dress it's black and white stripes. I love it. Walking out of my room and over to the boy's room, knowing Kris would be there. I even bet she slept there. I don't mind. I get a bigger bed by pushing the two best together.

I knocked on their door. Harry opened it with a smile.

"Hey how are you. Come in."

"Hey Harry. I'm fine, thanks. How is it here? Did Kris sleep over?"

"Yea she did. She is fun to have over. I bet you always had something to do when she was around."

"Yea. I did. She is sometimes a lot of work."

"Wow thanks guys. I feel so loved. Oh and Helena I can hear you." Kris said turning around on the sofa.

"I love you too Kris." I said. Laughing and walking into the kitchen with Harry behind me.

"Hey Liam."

"Oh. Hey Helena. You look nice." He always makes me blush. I really like him.

"Thanks." I said. Smiling at him.

Harry's p.o.v

Wow. Can't they see it! It's like what is wrong with them two.

'Hey I like you' would be something one of them could say. It's clear that they both have feelings for each other.

If they don't say it soon. I will lock them up in a room. And wait. Or maybe I should do it now? That's a good idea. Or maybe I should turn on some music. Setting them In a mood. I can get some help from Kris and Niall.

"Hey I'm gonna go and watch tv with the two other love birds." I didn't even get a ok from non of them. I feel hurt. Whatever. It's thine for match making.

I walked out to the living room and sat down between Niall and Kris.

"Hey you two. You know I love you right."

"What do you want Harry" they both said together. They know me too well.

"You know Helena and Liam both like each other, but they are too scared to say it. Right. So I though you two. Could go on a double date with them? like they don't know it's them who is going on a date. After like some time. You should go so they can have some alone time."

"You are right Harry. Ok. We should go tomorrow. Cuz that will be better. A hole day where they can talk about their feelings. I'm excited!" Kris is sometimes too deep. But she is one-of-a-kind. Niall is a lucky guy.


I'm so sorry I haven't written in a long time. It's just that with saying goodbye to my best friends and everything is too much. I will write more now. I hope. I will at least post a new chapter per week.

Love you.

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