Chapter 4

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I woke up to strong arms around me. At first I got scared then I remembered that it was Niall's arms. I smile to myself and turned around so I faced him. When I turned around I saw Niall sleep peacefully. He is really cute when he sleeps. No Kris, he doesn't like you and never will. We are just friends. So I can't really do anything.

After thinking to myself for like 10 minutes. Niall awoken. His eyes started to open.

"Good morning" I said with a smile.

"Good morning to you too princess."

"I think we should get up. It's 11am" I said. I got out of bed and, since I was still in my clothes, walked out to the others. When I came out, everyone was still sleeping. I slowly went into the living room and shouted. "FIRE!!!! WAKE UP !!! WE ARE GONNA DIE!!!"

everyone started to go all crazy. Liam and Helena shouted. Niall came running into the living room in shock. Me, well I was on the floor laughing my head off.

"Haha, you should see your faces. Priceless. Haha"

It's not funny Kris" Helena am Liam said in union.

It's nothin to joke about." Helena said to me

"Don't be all mommy and daddy on me. I already got one. And plus Helena. They are still laughing." I said pointing to Zayn and Louis.

"Still you scared us." Liam said.

"Yea that's the point." I said and hugged Helena and Liam in a tight hug. "But you gotta say. It's the most effective way to wake many people up right?"

"Yea" they all said in union. I smiled and sat down on the sofa.

"Then my lesson has been learn." I smile at the boys and Helena. I feel so alone with all my weirdness now. What happened to Louis?

"Hey Kris. I think we should get going. So we won't be in anymore bother for the boys. They have things to do." To be honest. She was right. She always was.

"Yea your right. Well it was nice to be with you guys. And I guess this is a bye bye moment." Whispering the last part. I don't wanna say bye. I hate it. But I guess in two days we won't matter at all.

I gave each boy a tight hug. Niall well he wouldn't let me go, which made this even worst.

I walked out of their suit. Helena saying goodbye to them. I dot like this. I have it. I don't even get why we had to say bye. We could still hang out at the hotel.

--Helena p.o.v--

When Kris walked out I gathered all the boys.

"So, is it ok with the plan? everything sett up?"

"Yes. Everything is perfect." Liam said.

"We just need the perfect girl and we're done" Niall said. I think he got a little crush on Kris.

We have planned out that since it's their concert today. Me and Kris will be in the first row and the boys will get her up on stage. Cuz it's her lucky day today. I know what you guys are thinking. Lucky day? well each year 8 July. Something special happen to her. Last year she found out that she got her scooter license. The year before that she won £1000 in lotto. So yea. You get the point. So now it's her 17th year so it's something I wanna celebrate for her. she means so much to me. That I have to. She is like the sister I never had.

"Ok. Let's get this a even more special then she could ever imagine." Harry says.

"We have to make it memorable for her. So she won't for get it." Zayn says.

"It will if we do this" harry says and we all get excited. I say bye and walk out of their room to see a sad looking blonde sitting in front of our room.

"Don't be so sad Kris. Everything is gonna be ok."

"No it won't. This is the first 8 July that isn't lucky. Maybe it's all gone now..." I could see tears form in her eyes. Wow. I didn't think she would react like this.

"Kris. I know it will be ok. We are going to their concert today. It has to be amazayn" I say making her smile.

"Yea your right." she says and stand up. "can you open the door? I don't know where I put the spear key" Kris says. Wow. She is amazing to lose things too. But what can I say? she is the best I could ever have.

--Kris p.o.v--

Me and Helena has been dolling each other up. Fixing each other's hair and nails. I love when we do this. We did out own make ups. I had light pink and light gray eye shadow, mascara and some pink lipstick. Helena had brown eyeshadow and mascara. We both don't like to put too much makeup on cuz we are usually to tired to take it of. Haha. We also got out our clothes. I wore a high waist black skirt with a white T-shirt. Helena wore a cute flower summer dress.

When we both were done we started to make our way to the arena. It only took us 20 minutes to walk. It was nice weather so we didn't mind walking, but it was a bit hot if I can say so.

"Are you excited for the concert?" Helena ask me.

"Yeah I am. But I don't think I'll be able to hold myself. I will end up crying." I know I will. I won't be able to se my best friends. I know I've only known them for two days. But they mean the world to me. It's simply nothing you can jut forget.

"It's gonna be ok" Helena says hugs me from the side. We are now getting closer to the arena. And in starting to get really nervous. I can hear fans shouting. When we are in front of the doors. Waiting for them to open.

As they opened, the fans went nuts.

Now it's not long till I'll see my favorite boys. I hope that they haven't forgotten about me already...

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