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I seriously can't wait to start my new tour. I think it will be the best one yet, I love meeting all of my fans at meet and greets and I love preforming live for all of those people. Sometimes I get nervous, but as soon as I get on that stage, its like all of my fear flies away and its just me.

For this tour I'm going to the eastern side of the US. Ive never really been any where other than New York that is on the eastern side. As soon as my parents realized I was good at singing they sent me to California to become a singer and actress.

My favorite Aunt lived in California, so I flew from New York to California. The plane ride was so peaceful because there weren't many people on the plane. My parents sent me to California when I was 13 years old. Im 17 now so I've been here for about 5 years.

I absolutely loved traveling, it was my favorite thing to do next to singing. Singing is something I do to have a fun time, I never expected to go this far just for singing. I mean,I started off singing in the shower just like every other kid. My parents started to actually listen to me sing them Bam. Im in California making music and living my dream. When I was younger I use to dream about this happening but I never really thought it would happen.

Ive never really had a love life, Ive been so busy with singing it never really crossed my mind. I am homeschooled on the computer and I take classes everyday so I don't have to worry about school if I ever go back to public school, which I highly dought.


My 14th birthday is today and I'm really excited because my parents said they have a huge suprise for me. When I woke up I looked around my room to see millions, of Riley Matthews posters scattered across my room hopping on day I get to meet my idol.

Your probably wondering why Riley is my idol... Well let me tell you, she is so nice, she is beautiful, her voice is flawless, and she is just an amazing person. Ive always wanted to meet her, I had a feeling someday that I would meet her and I really hope that feeling, becomes reality.

When I got up I got dressed in my favorite outfit inspired by Riley Matthews, of course.When I walked down stairs I was greeted by my big brother Lucas. He gave me a big bear hug and wished me a happy birthday. Then my parents walked into the room with a cake and my birthday present.

They sung happy birthday to me and I blew out the candles. Then my mom hand me a huge box and told me to open it. It started with a big box and then I opened one box, there was another box to come. Once I got to the very last box there were different sizes of boxes filling the room. In the last box there was a small envelope.

In the envelope was something that I knew I would remember until I died. I opened the envelope and in my hands, were Riley Matthews, VIP Concert and Meet and Greet Tickets.


New Rucas story!!

I hope y'all like this book because I think I might do a sequel to this book and not Forced because I feel like this one is way more interesting bevies they didn't know each other before and they meet when they are older and like omgg,

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