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When we woke up Lucas looked at me and smiled.

"How was that surprise last night?" He said talking about the kiss.

I quietly laughed to myself as we got dressed in some sweatpants and a t-shirt. We then went to Baileys room to get her and go to breakfast.

When we knocked on the door there was no answer. We then knocked on the door again and there was no answer. Lucas ran downstairs to get his Key to Baileys room while I stayed and tried to get in.

When Lucas got back with the key he opened the door and we went in and searched everywhere for Bailey. We literally looked everywhere and Bailey was nowhere to be found.

"BAILEY." Lucas yelled out trying to find his little sister who vanished out of the room.

We went downstairs and asked the manager to see if anyone has seen her. He gave us a "did you seriously loose a child" look.

He told Lucas to give a description of her...

Name - Bailey Friar
Age - 12
Hair Color - Brown
Eye Color - Brown
Skin Tone - kind of tan

The manager then called all of his workers and asked if they had seen Bailey.

One of them said that she had asked how to call a taxi and she got into a taxi cab and went somewhere.

We then walked outside and sat on the steps of the hotel.

"She could be anywhere." Lucas took his hands and buried them into his eyes, leaning down wondering what to do.

"Hey, we are gonna find her. If I have to I will have all of the cops in Raleigh here looking for her." I said, I was being serious I could actually do that.

"You would do that for me? You actually care about me?" Lucas said.

"Lucas of course I care about you, you have done so much for me over the past few days, I feel like I've know you forever because you have done so much for me." I said kind of quietly so I didn't sound like I liked him.

"Thanks Riley, I know that this was for my sister but I hope that we can still be friends after this is over." He said.

Then all of the sudden Bailey ran up to us and hugged Lucas and I.

"I need..to go..home." She said trying to catch her breath.

"Bailey what's wrong?" Lucas asked concerned about his little sister.

"My friend she got in the plane crash that was back home. She was on that plane Lucas, I need to go home. Mom said that you can stay considering that you are suppose to be living on your own and you and Riley seem to have a liking for each other." She said.

Lucas and I looked at each other for a second and smiled.

Bailey then walked to her room and packed all of the things that I had bought her.

Lucas and I didn't ask her where she was because Lucas knew that her friend was like her sister and she might be gone.

When she was done packing up she came up to me and asked me for one last picture before she goes.

We took the photo and I gave her a hug and my phone number if she ever wanted to talk to me again.

She thanked me for everything and hopped onto a cap and went home.

Leaving Lucas and I alone.


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