Chapter 19

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"Oh look, she's waking up." 

"Shh! I don't even understand why you even came. You never came before, I would kick you out of here but I'm forbidden to do so. Your'e a lucky bastered at the moment." 

I quickly opened up my eyes when I realized who were talking but when I had awoken there was only one person looking down upon me. Now I'm making up voices aren't I. I need some serious help. Why am I still living?! 

"Huh?! Why am I not dead?! Who the hell saved me?!I wanted to die! Let me die!" I said as I tried to move my arms but I realized that they were tied down with these belt like braclets. 

"Why won't you let me die?!" I asked as I looked up at the celien hoping that god would answer me with instant death but he didn't ;another disappointment. 

"Shh...its ok. Just calm down. " Drake said as he held me in a tight hug and caressed my hair. 

"'Im trying. Wait...there was someone else in this room. Who was it?" I shouted filled with excitment yet sorrow at the same time. 

"Oh yea...there was." he said not as excited as I apprently was. 

He stood up and mumbled something that sounded like he was cursing. He mustv'e thought that I was not going to notice but I could make out some of what he said. It sounded like he said "If this bastard hurts her, he's f*cking dead." 

I wanted to gasp wondering who could it be but I decided not to. But I thought that I knew who was here. It was someone who Ive been dying to see all these months but he hasn't come around. 

The nurse than walked in. 

"You seem better." she said in a sarcastic voice. 

"I'm surprised that you haven't had a wild outbreak yet. But then again we gave you something for that." 

She giggled. 

Drake glared at me and then at her. I tried to ignore his glare but I know that he really was upset at how happy I was. He knew that I knew who it was. He was the jelous type and anything that belonged to him wasn't supposed to be shared, unless you wanted death to come with it.  I just looked away and focused on the nurse.

"This isn't funny. My stomach hurts and I can't touch it. How am I supposed to do anything with my hands like this?" I said angerily. 

"Well of course it hurts, we had to pump your stomach. All those medications that you took, they would have killed you but you lucky that nurse Mary walked in and saw you passed out on the floor. You should really thank her. And don't you get angry at me now. You decided to try to kill yourself. Seriously, sometimes you kids make me second guess how smart you are. You are a teen for god sakes, what are you doing trying to kill yourself. I swear, you guys are just idi-"

"Shut up! I'm tired of everyone judging others for trying to do what they think is the best solution for themselves. Its people like you that really need to second guess you say to others. One day I hope someone in your family is going through what I am and they think there is no other resolution than to kill themselves. Then you might understand; right now you are in no positition to judge so just be quiet!" I bursted out. She really was on my last nerves. 

"Wait a mintue young lady, you better watch how you are talking to me. Ohh, if I was your mother I would have beat that as-" 

I started to break down. I didnt have my hands to cover my face and so I was just there crying; looking like a fool. 

"Can you please stop. Don't you see that you are just hurting her, nothing you are saying is helping. Just come back later" Drake nudged in. 

I couldn't really see the nurses facial expression due to my foggy vision from crying but I gues s that she felt defeated and she looked at Drake in a funny way. 

"Please." he said. 

She then finally left and I was all alone with no one other than Drake. Now that I come to realize it, he's actually been the only one that had stuck with me through all of this, I really do think that we were meant to be together. But I couldn't fight the urge of wanting to die. It felt like a part of me was telling me, just go, no one will care while the other part of me just shouted Stay for him. He's been there for you, the least you could do is do the same for him. I thought about this but it was such a battle going on inside of me. I couldn't contol myself. I wanted to feel the pain of not being able to control my body because of my numbness. I wanted to know that I would never have to deal with pain again but he...that speacial boy, he the only one stopping me from jumping out of the window, well apart from the arm buckles. 

He just was getting skinner, weaker and I knew that he thought that he wouldn't make it. But I had a feeling that everything, for him atleast, was going to be ok. He had such a strong will and everything that he's ever really wanted was eventually given to him, with hard work of course. He was going to get through it. And at the very moment was when finally realized that everything was making sense now. The time spent here, the ingury and now this was all leading me up to be reunited with Drake. But I still felt some emptiness inside of me. Something that was eating me up inside. I couldn't even bare it. 


I was in extreme pain. I couldn't handle this. I thought that I was just under emotional pain but right now my stomach was in so much pain that I would have prefered death. I swear that I was coughing up blood and something was ripping me up inside. 

"NURSE, GET IN HERE!" Drake said. 

"Boy why are you hollering!" she said as she walked in but then heard my ear pirecreing screams. 

She ran into the hall and called for a doctor ASAP. I didn't know what was going on but from the looks of this, this was not going well. 

I had dried tears on my face and a pain so unbarable that I wish I hands out so that I could pull my hair out of my head. 

"AHHHH! Help me!" I said again. 

"Calm down Catt, help is on the way." Drake attempted to say in a loud voice but his voice was fading, his face was fading, everything was just fading again. 

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 09, 2013 ⏰

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