Chapter 11

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Hey everyone..I hope you enjoy this chapter and you vote comment or fan. Thanks! This chapter is dedicated to a friend of mines who is totally awesome and is really logical about 99.8% of things and he deserves a chapter because he's been such a good friend and a funny one too. So hope you check out his work and fan him he's pretty awesome when you get to know him. Thanks..bye! Sorry for the spelling mistakes I will fix it when I finish this book so please be patient, thank you. So read read and away we go! 


Chapter 11

I woke up with a pounding in my head and my pulse was at a rushing speed. I was sweating and panting as if I were running from someone or something but the more I tried to remember my dream the more painful it was to endure this horrible pain in my skull. It felt like someone was hitting my head with a hammer and then got a chainsaw and started cutting through my skull with no mercy.  I saw the nurse was rushing over to me and I had a horrible feeling about this day; I could just feel it. She came straight towards my bed and talked with a slight country accent,

"What's a wrong sugar?"

"My skull....its killing me"

"Oh, that's normal...we just needa get some antibiotics for that."

"Fine, but can you get it quick my head,,its feels like its going to explode."

She looked at me for a couple seconds while I was curled up in a ball holding my head. Then she stood up slowly and got the medicine and injected some of the liquid into the IV bag. While she injected the clear liquid I could see it running up the tube but when it hit the IV and I couldn't tell if it mixed in with the IV but I knew it had to be mixed since my head was hurting less and less.

She stayed with me for about 10 minutes making sure that I felt better and in reality I did. She got off her chair and slowly walked away from me and into the other side of the room where Drake layed. I saw her fix something with a machine and take something from next to his bed. She started to move away from his side of room to the door and I  saw that she carried a light yellow bucket like  container in her hand. Soon she came back, gave him his bucket thingy and stood at the door frame; looking at both of us I suppose. She just shock her head and left. The hell! She just shakes her head and leaves, whats her problem? 

I heard some sort of harsh-cough coming from his side of the room and after he coughed about a thousand times, it got annoying and so I decided to go over to his side of the room. I really didn't want to since I knew he would probably would go into another shock stage but I needed to talk to him weather he was in shock or not.

I stood slowly from my bed and cautiously started to walk to the curtains dividing "our" room. I stopped when I was exactly behind the curtains and peaked over to see if he was watching me; he wasn't ,thankfully! Instead he had his eyes closed and I guess he was trying to sleep or thinking about something. I kept watching him until he looked and saw me, damn! This was going to be another successful spy mission but he had to look! UGGHHH!!!

"Uhhmmm, heya Drake" I said akwadly but he didn't respond he just pulled the covers over his head.

"UHH, I said hey, whats your problem? he still didn't respond but peaked over the covers.

"UGHHH, I say hey and you just ignore me, like hello I'm standing right here! Didn't your mother teach you to not ignore someone! Cuz I'm pretty sure Felicia did!!"

He quickly uncovered his head from under the covers and his face turned as red as a burning flame and his eyes quickly became a dark green;he was getting angry, so I prepared for the worst.

"First of all don't you understand I don't want to talk to you!And you leave my mother out of this! Now get away from me. I don't want you to see me like this. Understand?" he then punched the bed and I could hear the bed rubble as if there was an earthquake of some kind but sadly enough it wasn't a earthquake. It was Drake, I swear his mother raised a fighter and a strong man, I REALLY don't understand how she did it since she's an calm and peaceful soul.

"Oh, calm down you bull!I don't understand, I don't understand what you mean "like this" we both are dressed the same way, you ass! And oh please, I know your mother I can talk about her all-I-want!"

He wanted to say something, I knew it but he just held it back and glared at me, if looks can kill he wouldv'e killed me by now. But I wouldn't back down, even as ridiculous as I looked; a blue paper like robe like dress that showed a portion of my butt. I just hope he doesn't see my butt, that would give him something to smirk about and I wouldn't want to give him that satisfaction. 

But as vanuable as he was, he was actually not going to fall in defeat for my glare was on 12 and his was on 11 but he wasn't going to go down this way so instead I dropped my glare. His eyes glistened in pride and joy for taking me down; which no one can do by the way, but I didn't want to fight and argue I wanted to talk I needed some answers and pronto before I exploded with curiosity.

I held in my breath and looked down at my feet for a couple of seconds before I looked back up and see that he was staring at me the whole time and our eyes were just attracted to each other so there was no way I could look away although I really wanted too. I tried to escape his hypnotizing eyes but of course my body wouldn't obey my orders and instead moved closer to the bed. His hand landed on mine and we just sat their holding hands until my reflex's kicked back into gear(20 minutes later) and I let go although his hand was like a mitten over my hand, which was so tiny, our hands just seemed to fix together perfectly, like a key in the correct lock. And just like a lock I needed him to open up to me, trust me, and answer some questions. 

He noticed my reaction and soon put back on his bad boy charade which I knew was all a cover up, Drake was a douche but he was also sweet and lovable and venerable and caring but he rarely showed that side off, he preferred being his bad boy self. He stared at me for a couple more seconds before he screamed

"Get out of my room!" with a growl

"May I remind you that I also occupy this room?!" I said with a pinch of attitude as I started walking away from him and his rude self.

"Just go then, leave, I don't need you and no one does!" he said with anger clear in his eyes. And I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"I will go but don't you dare ever say that again because I'm sure you need me more then I need you!" I said feeling slightly hurt and with pure tears sneaking their way out.

"Wait what?, you need me?" He asked more calmer and with a depressed expression clearly wiped on his face.

I really didn't want to explain to him why, since he will soon find out and my tears wouldn't let me face him. So I just went back to my side of the room and after three minutes of him trying to get my attention again I turned on the television and settled for the news and put it on its highest volume so I wouldn't hear his voice. I guess he got the message since he stopped calling me and didn't say another word to me for the rest of the day. Not even when he crossed over to my side to use the restroom!


So what you guys think? Intresting right? Did you expect it to be drake? Well please comment, vote or fan me! Anyway anyone want to tell your friends about this book go ahead, just please vote this is in the watt awards! Thanks!

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