Chapter 10

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Today I'm kinda not in the mood for all the crazy comments I put here so hii and happy early/belated or just simply happy birthday to everyone! Now lets get to the story its getting intresting.But I first want to say that I dedicated this chapter to one of my besties becuase I'm sure she can (on some level) know how Cattelya feels in this chapter. I really am going to miss you!! <3. Ok enough of that get to ready people!


Chapter 10:

I went back into my dream state but I just couldn't get another dream to appear. I soon was feeling my senses getting back to me. But I just wanted to dream, I didn't want to wake up for I feared for what was going to come ahead of me. Maybe I would have to be in a chair to give me blood everyday. Maybe I would have to stay away from being a normal teenager or maybe even worse I would see my aunt and uncle. Now that would be a great reason for me not wanting to wake up. But the more I feared waking up the more I was opening my eyes, but to my surprise my uncle and aunt we not there but a doctor was.

"Ah, Cattelya I see you have woken up." he said with a cheery tone

"Yea I can see that" I really didn't understand why he was so happy that I was awake besides..many people die in this hospital why would he care that I would be awake. 

"So how was your rest dear" he asked examining my facial features.

"I guess a good one" something was starting to bother me why was he asking about my sleep. I see a stalker on the lose!

"Well it mustv'e been you been asleep for over two months now." again he said with a cheery tone.

"I was asleep for h h how long?" I started to stuter as he just stood there smiling.

"Two months" he said again

"Then why didn't you wake me up? I bet you guys put something in my medicine bag so that I would be asleep that long..right?" I wished the answer to the last question would be a yes becuase I really didn't want to hear another explination. 

"Well you fainted when you were at school and you were rushed over here and when you looked at you, we thought you were dead but in fact you were in a comma. We tried calling your legal guardians but they didn't pick up and when they did and we explained the situation they came for about 10 mintues. But they tried to choke you to death but of course our sercurity took care of them."he explained with a smile glued to his face.

What the hell was wrong with this doctor. What was so funny I couldv'e died for god's sake and he was here smiling in my face like dieing was something to luagh about.

I took a couple of deep breaths and asked him 

"Did anyone beside them come to visit me?"

"Yes, well in fact two gentlemen came one thats here in the hospital and the other left."

"Who were they?" I despretly needed to know who came

"I cannot say"

"Why not?!" I shouted at the doctor

"First of all, young lady calm down you will faint again,your blood presure will increase and we don't want that do we? No no we don't and your head hasn't fully recovered from surgery so calm down. Second, the two gentlemen asked me not to tell you since it was for your own good and I can now see why."

That's when I felt the pain in my skull. He was right I had excited myself to much. Everything was suddenly spinning but it stopped. I quickly sat up from the bed and stared at the doctor. I was going to give him a snappy answer but I was to weak to even argue so I just sat there thinking. 

Walked Away...Sort of...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat