Chapter 9

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Hello everyone...for the most annoying time ever. Yes I know you guys have read hii and hello from Im going straight to the point. Kai is being really stupid and yea he deserves to be treated rudely but Cattelya is feeling something for Drake...what! Yea that's what I sayy. Well hope you comment vote and if you haven't already you should fan me...please!! And as stated before..all this is don't try anything! And like every chapter...I hope everyone a happy/belated/or early birthday. Congrats for all your birthday. This chapter is dedicated to one of my friends who I promised I would dedicate a chapter too. See I keep my promises! So anywayz what will you learn in this chapter...hmm, will never know until you read away we gooooo!!!


Chapter 9 

"Another day..another wish." I thought to myself as I got up from my bed and stared out the window. 

I really couldn't believe that I was in a love triangle. Kai was my best friend..wait let me rephrase that,Kai is my ex best friend. And I love him so much that I think about him everyday. But..yea there's a but,Drake is just special. I don't know what to say about him,its just that when I'm near him something I can't speak right. But I know that as soon as he says something wrong I snap, completely. He just gets me so mad that I want to slap him at times. But it wouldn't hurt him becuase I'm so small and he is huge. But I can always beat him up, karate has some worrior influence on me..I like it! But he won't.

Today the normal rutine will start but I'm actually excited today its Friday! No I'm not excited becuase they have parties or I could go out and do something. NO! I actually enjoy fridays becuase the weekend is a time where I could get away from the horrors of High school. But for today I have to go, so I can see who will ignore me today.Probably everyone,but who cares;they can think what ever they want. 


I got to school with no problem. Hope it stays like this the whole day,Cattelya Angelissa Santos Haque Uribe will not tolerate any drama today!

I walked into the building and I saw Drake's posse as usual standing by the gym.But I didn't see Drake;this is one of his absentees. I walked passed them but someone caught my eye ,Kai! He was walking towards me. I think he is going to finally apologize properly. I know, i know I said that I didn't want him to apologize because it wouldn't fix anything but it will at least let me know that he still cares about me. And I stopped... waiting for him but he walked past me! I turned around and saw him shaking his head as in saying you are so pathetic. So I ran to my locker. 

I opened it up and saw a couple notes in it. I didn't have orange paper before. Did I? Well I didn't remember but I'm forgetful so why not open it, I opened it and saw a note

"Listen you slut,leave Kai alone! Can't you see he doesn't care about you. He hates your guts. So leave him before I have to deal you with. I'm warning you. "

I looked at the note dumbfounded for a moment. 

"They must have the wrong girl. I am sure I'm not a slu-" The bell rung

I headed towards the gym but I made the biggest mistake of my life. I went through HIS posse! Why, Why did I do it? I have no clue, but I did and I couldn't change that. 

I walked up to them and said 

"Excuse me" with the most sweetest voice I could possibly cough up

"And where do you think you are going" Eric -one of the basters- answered

"To the gym" I tried to hold back the attitude but I knew they wanted to get to me so I just stood there looking at them. 

Walked Away...Sort of...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz