Chapter 13

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  • Đã dành riêng cho CupidA

So hey everyone! Today I just wanna say the person I'm dedicating this too is such an awesome chica and is always making me smile and laugh. So go talk to her she's super friendly and kind. So yea, Happy early/belated or simply Happy Birthday to everyone! Hope you guys take the time to vote for this chapter or to leave a comment. :D


Chapter 13

So Iv'e been here for three months and two weeks now and it seems that the time just is running away from me. I'm healing fast so as the doctor said ,I probably would have to stay another two weeks before leaving.  I had surgery to help repair my broken skull and fix some of my ribs but now my bones don't ache as much and I can move around more freely but I still have to be careful. That sucks, big time!

Do you know how badly I just want to lose out of control and dance or something without worrying if I would hurt myself?! Well I'm dying to be able to do that soon because being cautious is just not one of my specialities. 

The sugery actually helped me stay alive but they had to cut my hair so that they could operate on the top pf my skull so my hair looks like a bad boy haircut with a little bald spot at the top. Or you can say I used to have a bald spot there my hair has grown pretty quickly so it pretty much the same length as the rest my my hair. This hair just drives me crazy I can't do nothing with it. Its all choppy so what ever I do to it, it just looks dreadful.

I promise you this, when I get out of here I am going to fix this hair. This will be one of the things I would be happy about but I still need to deal with my uncle and aunt. Will I have a home when I get out of this? Will I have to live in the street? Do I have to quit school and work if they left me the house? All these questions plus more were rolling around in my head and for a couple seconds I felt insane. I really wasn't ready to face all these questions so I set them aside for a later time. 

Anyway, I keep looking into the mirror but all I see is a disaster in front of my own eyes. I look horrible I don't know how Drake can keep looking at me like I'm beautiful when I look awful. I know I shouldn't care what he thinks since he betrayed me but its just something about him that creates a spark between us when he's near. Plus after these past two weeks we've grown closer its starting to feel like he is my best friend again but this time there's a certain spark to our "friendly" relationship. ;) If you know what I mean. 

He's tried to kiss me a couple times. But every time we are about to have our "moment" someone has to come into the room either for me or him. Now I understand this is a hospital but damn, this is getting annoying. His lips just look so delicious I would probably give anything to be able to finally taste them. Their luscious, pink and just perfect. When I get the chance to finally kiss him  I'm going to look as if I'm hungry for his lips, but they just taunt me. So perfect, so soft, so beautiful on his face. But I'm not completely sure if I should go for the kiss, yes his lips are exciting to look at but at the same time I don't want to get hurt again. 

I know I'm supposed to be holding back my feelings for him since I'm not sure if I can trust him again but my heart is me telling me to knock down some of my walls for him. But then again my mind is telling me to keep my walls up just for protection.

This hospital is so boring. And they won't even give me my cell phone becuase they think I will get to stressed out if I find something I don't like or if someone who will stress me out calls me. But yet they put me in the same room as Drake? Now I'm not complaining but two weeks ago I wouldv'e been begging them to switch me to another room.  

I wish I had a some more friends especially some girl ones. I bet they wouldv'e cheered me up and make jokes and make me laugh and forget all the pain taking place in my head and my ribs. But of course I was too stubborn to be anyone's friend and especially with demanding girls in my school i bet I wouldv'e exploded a long time ago. I'm happy I had Drake and Kai in my life. Now that was something I had to swallow hard as I thought of both of them. Its amazing how we all were best friends since fourth grade and then Kai moved and I was all Drake's in fifth grade and through middle school and then Kai came back when High School started and we went back to being the three best amigos until Drake decided we were lame and dropped us for the popular. And then it was two until Kai dropped me... What a long journey, just for me to end up having no friends. 

Walked Away...Sort of...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ