Chapter 16

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So I'm just in a really good mood people but this chapter might be sad, shocking or happy. I really don't have a clue. Why? Because I write from words just spilling into the page and I sometimes let the ideas run through my head and write it. But I know what big events I want to happen so don't think I'm a bad author. I don't believe so...but I don't know about what you think. Anyways let's get this party started. Well just get to reading...yuhh know what I mean.


Oh my word! Just five days until I leave this hospital. I wish I would just slow time down for eternity and hold Drake in my arms and just sing, sing along with him. His voice so tender, so deep and yet calming. It takes away the worry, the pain, the hurt, and it fills my scars with love.I just absolutely love him!

I remember the first time in two years that I talked to him. It was the day when I asked what Kai said about me in the party. And then the next day I was starting to fall for him all over again, just like in 7th grade. He was the only person who could handle and help me with my endless suffering. He would come over to my house even though my"uncle and aunt" would try to get rid of him at times.They would always find a reason to get pissed off at me and then beat me senseless. But at least they were polite enough to tell Drake to leave before I turned into a lifeless rag-doll. They would always use their sweet voice and say "Drake, honey could you and I need to talk privately." The first time they used that phrase on him he said "fine." and left.

That was the worst day ever, as soon as they made sure he left, they took me upstairs and took one of their belts and beat me un-mercifully. I didn't know why they were beating me but that wasn't a surprise, I never knew why the would beat me anyway. My body ached so badly. I tried to run away from them and lock myself in my room but each time they would catch me and hit me harder. My skin was a deep auburn color and you could clearly see the belt mark on my thighs along with lots of bruises that made it impossible to even walk. But, I tried once more to run but as I started to dash, they tripped me and my head banged against the hardwood table. My head didn't bleed or hurt since I couldn't feel a thing; they decided to stop beating me then. But when I looked into the mirror the next day, I saw a bruise next to my hair line so I made sure to cover the bruise with my hair. Who would know what happned, I thought to myself. But Drake did.

All day I was making sure my hair covered the bruise until Drake held my face in his hands and told me to move my hair out of my eyes. "No" I answered firmly but that didn't stop him from removing the hair for himself. I jerked back but he caught a glimpse of the bruise anyway.

"What happened?" he asked filled with concern.

"Nothing.' I said quietly.

"Nothing?, Nothing?, are you serious? I've known you for the longest, I know when your lying."

"Yea, nothing. I'm not me." I said even softer than before.

"Lies...." He said with an attitude.

"I'm not lying." I answered a little louder.

"Oh, so you got defensive!............ What happened Catt, come on you can tell me."

He was on to me. I thought.

I tensed up.

He came closer towards me, and I just let all my tears out.

"Shhhh, don't cry now, everythings going to be alright Catt, I'll protect you. But you have to tell me what happened." he spoke gently into my ear while hugging me lightly.

"Whenyoulefttheybeatme." I spoke quickly while tears just erupted out of my eyes and onto his shirt.

"Wow, wow,wow slow down there."

Walked Away...Sort of...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant