Chapter 3

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Hey everyone I hope you all enjoy this chapter and hope everyone whos birthday is coming up. Happy birthday. I know mine is coming up so Happy Birthday to me!!!!!! Well anyway You guys are wonderful and comment if you loved/hate/you dont get the chapter Whatever. And comment if you thought if Kai looked liked that well anywayz I'm not asking for votes but if you think that this should be in the Wattyawards Comment or vote Thanks <3 you all!! You guys should know I'm kinda wierd by now but if you dont know I just said it lol!!!Oh yea the pic is at the side >>>>>>>>>


Chapter 3

Once he got in my car he didn't even bother straping himself in with the seat belt and just threw his book bag towards the back seat.

"Are you crazy?"

" I believe......I'm not but why do you ask" he answered with a sly smirk on his face

Thats when I noticed that he could still see me blushing. Not that I mind since his smirk was just soo cute but I had to be serious so I turned my face away from his to keep me from smiling.

"Why don't you put on that seatbealt, that is why it is attached to the seat so you can put it on."

"I know it is but Im not putting it on"

"Yes you are Mr. I don't want to get into an accident and your not in your seatbelt and then "BOOM" you die! Do you know how much that would kill me on the inside to not have my best friend around and to see them pass away. Its not a good feeling I'm telling you!"

 "I'm sorry catt, I didn't know......... I don't want to lose you either your my bestfriend, my sister, my cousin, my everything and I would completely die on the inside too if you ever left me. That would totally kill me eventually."

"Kai please don't talk like that I'm going to get sad,I already lost many things in my life I don't need you to be checked off as one of the things in my I don't have this list."

The mood then felt really tense and I decided to start driving since I could already feel my eyes swell up from all the water trying to overflow my eyes. But I refused,no I was determined to stay strong, No I wasn't going to let Kai see me this weak, but then again he did see me when I was crying last time but that was the past and all that matters is here so I wasn't going to get soft here. Espically while I'm driving I don't want no accident espically with one of those old people. They will tell you their whole life story and by then  you would probably be 63 years old. 

I then broke out of my thoughts and looked over at Kai who put on his seatbelt like I asked and I smiled. 

We spent the rest ride home in silence and lip synicing to katty perry songs which was kinda funny since I didn't expect kai to know her songs. But he did and he would make girl poses while singing the songs. I swear he kept making me look at him and he needed to stop becuase I couldv'e crashed but he was too halious so I had to look. Ahhghhhh kai and his randomness.  

Walked Away...Sort of...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora