The Funeral

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"Gilbert! You made it!" Francis was in tears. His normally tidy, wavy hair was tucked into a messy ponytail and he looked like he hadn't slept in days.
Gilbert bet he looked pretty worn out too.
"When was the last time chu two ate?" Antonio trotted over, draping his arms over his two friend's. "Chu guys should have some snacks, no?"
Francis looked over at the buffet table in the corner and burst into tears.
"Mattie loved his pancakes." Francis wept. Gilbert and Antonio leaned in to comfort their grieving friend.
"Francis, look who came." Antonio pointed out suddenly.
Alfred Jones entered the building,as was expected. He was Matthew's best friend.
But that wasn't who Toni was pointing to.
"Arthur? What's 'e doing 'ere?" Francis hissed.
"Calm down, Amigo. He's probably just dropping Alfred off."
Francis took a deep breath and brushed himself off.
"You're probably right."
Though, despite Antonio's prediction, Arthur spilt from his younger sibling and headed straight toward the trio.
"Francis, might I have a word with you?"
Francis took another deep breath before nodding. The two walked off to the corner of the room.
"Chu look like chu need a hug." Antonio sat Gil down in one of the chairs placed around the room.
"I'm fine, okay." Gil didn't think he deserved sympathy. Matthew was Francis's brother. But Gil likely wasn't anything to him.
He wasn't worthy of feeling this down.

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