Finally, An Answer

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Half an hour later the party was leaving the restaurant, chatting cheerfully amongst themselves.
It was almost as if all the pain from the past few weeks never happened.
"Hey, mom, I'm going to meet you all at home later. Me and Gil are going for a walk."
"Ve are?"
"Oui. We are." Matthew took Gil by the arm and drug him away as the other waved goodbye.
"Vhere are ve going?" He asked after they had walked for a while.
"Someplace quiet." Matthew answered. He pulled Gil off the sidewalk and onto a park bench. The blonde sat close enough to the Albino that their thighs touched, brewing a blush on Gilbert's face.
"Everybody was so torn up aboot me, weren't they?" Mattie set his face into his hands.
"Ja. It vas pretty hard." Gilbert wasn't sure if he should comfort his birdie or not.
"I feel so awful aboot it. I should have just stayed at the plane."
"It's okay, Mattie. It's all over now."
"It's not okay. Ma mère, Francis, papa. You should have seen them when I first woke up. It was horrible."
"Mattie, don't be like zhat. It vasn't jour fault."
Matthew burst into tears. "Je suis désolé. Je suis vrai désolé."
"Please don't cry, Birdie. I don't like it vhen jou cry." Gilbert pulled his Birdie into a tight hug.
"Gilbert." Matthew sniffled.
"Ja Birdie?"
"Je t'aime." Mattie looked up at Gilbert, breaking the hug.
"Vhat does zhat mean?" He asked, wiping the tears off the boy's cheeks.
Matthew didn't answer with words. Instead, he gave Gilbert something better.
A kiss.
"M-Mattie..." Gil stuttered when they broke away.
"Is something wrong Gil?"
"Nein...I-I'm..." He was speechless. "Ich Liebe dich auch."

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