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"I kind of feel bad zhat ve didn't invite Antonio." Gilbert sighed halfway through the meal.
"I texted 'im earlier, but 'e said 'e 'ad a date." Francis poked at his meal.
"A date, huh? It vouldn't be vith zhat Lovino kid, now vould it?" Gilbert smirked.
"I don't know. But I plan on grilling 'im extra 'ard zhe next time I see 'im."
Matthew giggled at this, causing Gilbert's stomach to do a little flip.
He was so far away, on the other side of the table between Alfred and Francis, the latter of which was holding hands with Arthur...right in plain sight.
"So Matthew," Arthur hadn't spoken much except for the occasional scolding of his brother. "Tell us how you got home."
"Well, obviously you know about the plane crash and how everybody died, so you can all guess that there were dead bodies everywhere." He started.
"That must have been terrifying." Alfred gasped.
"It was. Which was why I couldn't stay. I scavenged what I could and took off into the woods, using my wilderness skills to make it to the nearest town."
"Mattie, jou're so awesome." Gil complemented. Matthew nodded his thanks.
"Once I got to the town, I used taxis and busses which I paid for using money I got from all the passengers to make my way home." He paused to take a sip of water. "Unfortunately, the door was locked and nobody heard my knocking, so I ended up sleeping in the rain."
Man, Birdie was one tough cookie. Gilbert found himself wondering why em he ever bothered to worry about him in the first place.

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