It Cant Be Over

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Gilbert had been so consumed in his memory that he didn't realize where his feet took him.
The Bonnefoy's house.
There had been so many times when Gilbert looked up at the top right window to see Mattie hard at work, headphones tucked into his ears playing music by Classified or The Stanfields.
But now that window was dark.
Gil felt warm tears travelling down his cheeks. "Zhis can't be all over."
The light in the room flickered on, surprising Gil.
Was he back? Could his ghost be haunting the room?
No. It was just Francis.
Gil watched his friend sit at his brother's deck, picking up that little stuffed bear Birdie treasured so much.
The police found it in the wreckage of the plane and Francis managed to convince them to return it.
The Frenchman looked so broken. He and his brother were so close. They were like two parts of the same person.
"Gil?" Francis had thrown the window open and was looking out at the Prussian below.
"Oh hey..." Gil said.
"What are you doing down zhere?" He lifted his eyebrows.
"I-" Gilbert felt his face go hot. "I came to see how jou vere doing."
"I'll be right down."
Five minutes later, Gilbert was sitting on Matthew's bed watching as his friend broke down completely.
" 'e never made it to Canada." Francis sniffled. "Maybe zhis wouldn't be so hard if 'e 'ad."
Gilbert nodded, remembering that far off look he would get when he spoke of the northern country.
"Zhis might be a bad time," Gilbert took Francis's hand. "But can I ask jou somezing."
"Oui? What is it, mon ami?" Francis looked up from his lap, eyes watering.
"Do jou know how he-how birdie...felt about me."
"Oui." Francis nodded.
"R-really? Jou do?"
Vhy do jou alvays get jourself into zhese situations, Gilbert?
"We were brothers. 'e told me everyzhing."
"So vhat did he say about me?"
"Listen, Gilbert. Can we not talk about zhis right now? My day has been très terrible."
"Oh, sorry. I should probably head home now anyvay."
"You don't 'ave to. I'm sure Mattie won't mind you using his bed."
"But Ludwig-"
"I'll text 'im before I go to sleep. You shouldn't be outside zhis long after dark."
"Vell alright. Sleep vell, Francis."
"And you aussi." Francis stumbled out of the room, leaving Gilbert alone with his thoughts.

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